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Rasmus [SWE]

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Community Answers

  1. Rasmus [SWE]'s post in Worthest Trailer ? [EN,FR] was marked as the answer   
    Hello Jedu

    I haven't tried them all myself to see what gives the most in earnings but I would recommend the refrigerated trailer or bulk trailer as these have a higher possibility for more variants of loads.
    I would not recommend flatbed.
  2. Rasmus [SWE]'s post in WOT Accounts. was marked as the answer   
    Hello @Prielbhai0672

    There is sadly no way to find this as to my knowledge but what you can do is to search thru all email's that it could be for any emails from WOT or contact them by email at: [email protected]
  3. Rasmus [SWE]'s post in Problem with Scout and caravan was marked as the answer   
    Greetings @LE GAMER 64

    Its quite hard to attach the caravan to the car with advanced trailer attatchment. and so i would suggest turning it off in your game settings and then there shoulden't be any problems.
    The reason for it being hard is because of the small spot where it can connect against a truck with the fifth wheel lining the truck up with the hook incase being afew inches to the side.

    I hope this answers your question and i look forward to hearing from you.
    Regards (SWE)Rasmus
  4. Rasmus [SWE]'s post in F7 job got removed was marked as the answer   
    Greetings @OlgaGamer

    SCS changed this so that you lose your load when teleporting to service to stop people from using it to cheat time and distance.
    As to my knowledge there is no way around this except for slowing down more in corners and being gentle on the steering.

    I hope this answers your question and solves your problem and i look forward to hearing from you.

    Regards (SWE)Rasmus
  5. Rasmus [SWE]'s post in Forum Name was marked as the answer   
    Greetings @Paragoz KacaKTV

    If you wanna change your Forum nickname/username you will have to head over to https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/settings/

    I hope this answers your question and resolves your problem, and i look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind Regards
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