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  1. Martin.'s post in MP FoV was marked as the answer   
    I have seen quite a few people using triple screens, yet they all had the same issues. As far as I am concerned from the situation being, you can barely even see the tag or the player name overall from a further distance, as it appears to be lower. Sorry to disappoint you, but using three screens has it pros and cons, and that's one of the downsides. There is nothing that could be done about it, afaik.
    Kind Regards,
  2. Martin.'s post in when will the bug be fixed was marked as the answer   
    There is no specific time and date given, all we know is that it is being worked on. As soon as it's fixed, it'll be out as an update I guess.
    Kind Regards,
  3. Martin.'s post in Is there an allowed mod for open window sound? was marked as the answer   
    Sorry to disappoint you mate, but it wouldn't work in multiplayer no matter what you try. TMP has its own addons, which are added onto the game upon the Add-on's Team decisions. I hope this would help out to resolve your certain request.
    Kind Regards,
  4. Martin.'s post in Scout Cars bug? was marked as the answer   
    Here are a few options you could try out:
    Try switching over to manual shifting and see if that helps Make sure that your car is repaired Check if it's stuck at a specific gear. Regards,
  5. Martin.'s post in Cover photo was marked as the answer   
    Hey Adam!
    I'd recommend you to be searching for wider images, as they'd fit better and they won't strech out. Your image is getting blured due to its low resolution, thus you must search for higher resolution ones (pay much more attention to the width of the image). I hope this'd help to sort out your issue!
  6. Martin.'s post in Trailers was marked as the answer   
    That is something that is definitely not allowed.
    §2.13 Excessive Save Editing / Using Unsupported Mods
    Using unsupported mods that cause game crashes. Modifying your vehicle to include car parts on your truck or truck parts on your car. This includes paint jobs. Adding an excessive amount of beacons, lights, bullbars, horns, or similar to your truck and also includes any large horns or beacons on your bullbar or front bar. When editing a truck, trailer, or other content through save editing, you must follow the Mod Guidelines. No more beacons than allowed by the game by default, no changing the vehicles hitbox, no beacons on bullbars/bumpers or similar. Your vehicle must be functional. Only one full-length trailer is allowed. The 0-ton trailer mod is not allowed since it looks like speedhack.
  7. Martin.'s post in Getting "prohibited accessory in use (NetTrailer)" error WITHOUT special transport DLC was marked as the answer   
    There is currently an issue with the Heavy Cargo trailers and it's being worked on as far as I know. It should be fixed soon enough.
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