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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by kalalala123

  1. but i think i know now my problem i found here in forum this guide https://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/24972-current-mp-version-0206-ets2-12227s-none-opt-out-of-all-beta-programs-and-ats-1004s-none-opt-out-of-all-beta-pr/ and he write it works only with 64 bit version i have win 7 64 bit and if i start euro truck 2 singel player in steam start game it works and if i try to start euro truck 2 64 bit any time error so sorry guys for spamming here i think its just my stupid pc what dont want to run game in 64 bit and this is the reason why maybe nothink happens on mp client if i want to start it ty for helping guys so i think i can now only play alone single player on 32 bit version and found guide just to delete x86 folder and let just x64 doesnt helps game doesnt start after it ty very mutch guys
  2. hmm ah ya i have multi screen for streaming i have geforce gtx first monitor and over bios setings onboard graphic adapter for second monitor and their clone my 1st to 2 monitors i dont get any errror msg before it was fine workin now if i start mp client nothink happens and in task manager i see the client is running i was done many guides what i was found this days reinstal instal all new and have just intel hd graphic card this is onboard for multiscreen
  3. angry mp doesnt work after patch

    1. FirestarteR93


      Ehmmm it works (I managed to connect to eu1 with the .7 )

  4. no still not work in steam lib. i get msg game runs in task manager games runs to but games doesnt starts im confuse ty for you help i think i dont get it to run i was trying all reinstal change locations reinstal mp mode and it was now my last try i was trying with all beta options and still not working if i start over steam singel player it worsk sorry for trubble here !!
  5. hello guys my euro truck 2 vers. is how i can change it back to want to play aggain multiplayer my steam do update euro truck 2 any time self so i cant stop it i saw some guys telling i ned to change in steam properties under betas to old version how i know what was the last version
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