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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by omd70

  1. ^ It's always an issue if theres 2-3 people wanting to park at the same time. If someone goes afk in that spot then there's nothing you can do because it doesn't look like they are blocking anywhere normally, they just look like they are parked up in a corner. Without being able to skip parking in multiplayer this just means you have no choice but to wait for them to be kicked for afking
  2. Suggestion Name: Make fuel stations which have deliveries non-collision zones Suggestion Description: Same as title Any example images: Why should it be added?: Annoying for both the person parking and other people. Not all admins know the spots ether so do not kick the trolls that sit parked in them (I was kicked while trying to park even though there was a guy sat in the spot with no trailer)
  3. ATS Multiplayer was just released, so I think we all need a new launcher for the multiplayer for both games.
  4. ^: I've got the same problem and resetting economy does reload the jobs, but the next day you will have no jobs again and it's quite a pain to have to edit the config and have to reload the game twice a day. So I think the issue is that you may have done a Quick job in multiplayer, considering I have done one and I now have the same issue on that profile. From a different thread with the same issue.
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