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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by Sred

  1. Thanks. Finally it worked!
  2. get ready for the new updated r4 version. youll get tons of strange errors (which you will never be able to see in any other app). coming soon... why do they release the updates without even testing them once.
  3. same here strongly agree with that !!!
  4. This is what i get after updating to r3. lol i give up. ill just uninstall. thanks anyway
  5. Great! Now I cant connect to the server. Is it me or its really getting worse with each update?
  6. That sounds cool. lol. so i wont be able to play until it is supported. But why did they relese a pack that isn't supported yet by the multiplayer mod? I won't buy anything from SCS again.
  7. The new version (0.1.1 r2) keeps crashing in windows 8.1 It was just fine before the update. But now it crashes after 1-2 mins i go online. OS: Win 8.1 Pro x64 PC: i7, 8gb ram, nvidia geforce GT 745M
  8. I don't have my own truck. Just started playing a few minutes ago. OK! I will try. Thanks for your time.
  9. Sred

    Game crashing

    I am having the same problem. I cant even cancel the job. If I leave the trailer and go, the game crashes as soon as the job is cancelled.
  10. Yeah! I've just started playing and it gave me the job automatically. Everytime i complete that delivery, the game crashes. The game crashes even when i leave the trailer and go further to cancel the job. Don't know what to do
  11. Thanks it worked! But now the game crashes right after i complete a delivery. Any ideas?
  12. Hello guys, When I launch ETS2MP and start playing, this is what i get: Connecting to EU#1 server (this may take some time).. Connection with server has been broken You will be automatically reconnected within 10 seconds.. It goes on and on... It's the same for all 3 servers. The servers are online. EU#1 server has 730 players, EU#2 and US servers have 0 players online. This is the first time I'm playing the multiplayer mod. I bought the game today from Steam. Thanks for the help
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