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Veteran Driver
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Turgineer

  1. Suggestion Name: The Veteran Driver badge system should be changed. Suggestion Description: I know it's not a big suggestion, but I think the Veteran Dirver badge system should be like Steam's, with a single badge being updated every year. Any example images: No. Why it should be added: For the simpler achievements part.
  2. Suggestion Name: Show the number of reports waiting in the queue. Suggestion Description: The report page only contains data about density, but it does not show how many reports this means. In my opinion, the number of existing reports should also be given as statistics. Any example images: No. Why it should be added: I like statistics.
  3. Suggestion Name: ATS trucks in ETS 2 server. Suggestion Description: ATS trucks must be able to be driven in ETS 2 server. I don't know how technically possible this is. In the past, truck parts and trailers with DLC were not visible to players with no DLC and this has now been fixed. If this is possible, I think it should be possible for people have ATS to drive their ATS trucks and trailers on the ETS 2 servers. I think there was a mod like this: Any example images: No. Why it should be added: This would be nice to add because it's fun to see more types of trucks!
  4. 150 km/h speed limit is great news, thanks for listening to the community!
  5. Hello, my report score has completely dropped due to my faulty reports, it was impossible for me to earn Report points again because I can't send reports anymore. So... Is there any way I can increase my Report score again?
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