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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by GoogleSuper

  1. You(Somehow Lucky) are reported it because you posted a forum reply impersonating a game administrator or game host.

    1. Sunstrider


      Don't you(GoogleSuper) be acting like a mod when you barely even have a community presence. Actually, that's not impersonating a mod. Because i haven't issued any bans. Learn your place newbie.

  2. Are forums your territory? You seem patriarchal and authoritarian to everyone's. This is a place for everyone, not a place to be loyal or obedient to you.
  3. Why do some servers have less than 10 server visitors? European players cannot drive normally due to ping even if they connect to a Singapore server with less than 100 players to prevent logout by AFK. Even so, if players connect to the Singapore server to prevent logout by AKF, we can evenly distribute the number of players connecting to the server. I am in favor of this proposal. Doesn't the backer get AFK when the number of server connections is less than 90%? So how many sponsors does ETS2 have? Will Asian players have enough merit to pay a donation and connect to a European server with a high ping of 200-400?
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