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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by henking28

  1. How i can join to the event?
  2. when i enter to ATS i have no jobs so i do the reset jobs 
    like this command:g_force_economy_reset 1 loading the profile and type in the console g_force_economy_reset 0
    then i have jobs but any jobs that i will take it always be on late i finish the job and after this job again i cant see the jobs and if i see i take the job and its crash my game and saying a fatal error i tried every solution that i found on the web but nothing is helpful and i forgot to mention that all this jobs are quick jobs not fright jobs 
    please help me cuse its really annoying

    1. chipmunk197


      or you can sleep or f7 or garage hop it resets it or in ets2 travel by boat and train dose the same thing 

  3. Why you did speedlimiter on the second server why? please do like it was one server with speedlimiter and one without ( SL and NSL) please!!!
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