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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by MGbrainstormer(NL)

  1. Hi Guys, Does somebody knows if this trailer combination is alloud in truckers mp? looks verry long and never seen this before.
  2. thanks somuch for your reply !! and your explain
  3. If you report users and uploaded a movie on youtube you have to ensure that the evidence is available for 1 Month PLUS the ban length. What if i deleted the movie to clear up my youtube account ?
  4. problem is now solved. Mptruckers is up to date ?
  5. oooh yeah here whe go again. Getting so tired of those ets2 updates everytime.
  6. please ask SCS. Truckers MP has nothing to do with speed limit. This is only when you use WOTS contract
  7. In most case the problem is not truckersMP but the software of gamers. Just changed ingoing/outgoing traffic (defender) and allowed truckersMP en ETS2 for 100% for ingoing/outgoing traffic and everything works fine. It has nothing to do with game.log etc.... their is nothing to see.
  8. just wait patient. ETS2 is again updated to 16S. Just be patient.
  9. problem is solved and again it whas windows defender outgoing so i have change this and now its works. For those having same uissues try to look into windows defender
  10. is it a commom problem that a steering wheel is not working or even regconized in truckers MP and while its works in ETS2 single player ?
  11. After i notice a update today of TruckersMP i see that my steering wheel is not working. But using ETS@ singe player my steering wheel works. Is this a commom problem ? I have already restarded my computer and started truckersmp as a admin but non of them works.
  12. My problem is solved!!! i have white listed Euro truck and it works also for TruckersMP. Its a bit strange because i had diasble my firewall and that doenst work at all. For those getting a time out error, try to check your security settings Bellow SCS email: Hello, The game executable is changed during the update - as such network rules for it may be invalid for the new (changed) executable. Logs themself are pointing to the fact that the game is unable to connect to our servers - this is usually causing by the security software denying the access. Please try adding the game executables to the whitelist in your security software and let us know if you are still seeing issues. Best regards, SCS Software Tech Support http://www.scssoft.com http://blog.scssoft.com
  13. are you even able to login into TruckersMP ? Because WOTS is also ofline. this is my log of TruckersMP. Strange that it cannot open muted.txt file while its there. https://pastebin.com/i91YrEh4 [12:05:38] <info> [http] Job: 'rules' finished, result: failed, error: [7] : Couldn't connect to server : Failed to connect to api.truckersmp.com port 443: Timed out
  14. Why is SCS always coming up with updates before the weekend ? iam getting so tired everytime of those updates.
  15. Already unistalled en reinstalled and opened as an administrator and now getting this error. Is this due to a overload server ?
  16. Thanks! somuch but now iam not able to login , got a timeout error.
  17. wich update ? i think whe have to wait till developers has update to ETS2 version Looks like WOTS is also ofline.
  18. what i mean whas that SCS has released a smal update, thats why mp is not working.
  19. iam getting the same error. So finally i used promods and ETS2MP yesterday for 1 hours and after restarting my computer the fun whas all over after the update.
  20. They released a new update yesterday so ETS2MP will not work for most of us. iam getting so tired of those updates everytime. The expected version of MP is older than the version you have? Is older than and not newer
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