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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Patriot94

  1. Hi and thanks guys, i had to use system rollback for some other reasons and it also solved my problem with this crash.
  2. Hello there. After the last update in the browser of ets2mp(TruckersMP) game crashes with message "Do you want to send crash-log to developers?" I pressed on "yes" many times. There is no problem with game settings etc. I had this game crash before(almost 2 years ago) and it passed by itself. Now it crashes about every 30 mins. What should i do ? Thanks in advance. Crash-log attached. crash.log
  3. T'as pas de twitch Sysgen ?

    1. Sysgen


      Nope j'y pense mais je ne l'ai jamais fais.

  4. +1 rep for good Admin with a big word ! :)) Thanks for everything what u do guys !

  5. May need to change something in the options in the video driver... Thanks anyway guys...
  6. Hi, didn't help. Thank you for trying to help.
  7. The first thing i did, I was looking on Google. Nothing about this error. Thanks anyway.
  8. For Rotterdam it's normal, i understand that even im kicked. Crashes even when no one around. Yet thanks.
  9. In fact of the matter i haven't crash log file. That's why i can't know what's this error. Tried to find on google, didn't find. Yet thanks.
  10. And when I leave the ETS2MP comes out this error 0x255c1193.
  11. Enjoying the ETS2MP

  12. Yesterday when was 500 players in the server i wasn't kicked out. It's strange. But when play 2000 players... I can't understand, the problem's in MP mod or in my computer... The error doesn't show, just the windows error sound and kicks. Only from Europe #1 server.
  13. I did everything to minimum and turned off. But didn't help In the single version doesn't happening something like that, works as it should.
  14. it's already deselected. Yet thanks.
  15. Im always kicked by unknown error. In the moment of the game kicking with sound error. For 30 minutes was kicked 4-5 times. What should i do? Your mod will someday stable?
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