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Veteran Driver
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by vetboss

  1. Suggestion Name: VTC map marker for everyone Suggestion Description: Add a feature that can make every VTC member see one persons marker if it is an VTC group job. Any example images: Why should it be added?: It will make Jobs even better.
  2. Why do i have to have 600 Ping, why not 3616? I cant Even play :( 

    1. [MCG] Masunio

      [MCG] Masunio

      You can check your internet here first: https://www.speedtest.net/

  3. How do I get a back wall accessorie in my cabin? I have tried to add a mod but it won’t add it. It says (unable to add mod) I am sad. I see many players whit this on Thair trucks and I want one to Plis answer this topic. Regardlessly. vetboss
  4. Dear game managers. i want to let you know that we need more game moderators. someone is always blocking my way. Plis take it in mind thx. -vetboss
  5. Good day, I want to know when you think the recruiting will come 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vetboss


      Ok. But how long is it between the old and the new recruiting?

    3. SebastianZ


      Sorry but thats hard to predict, maybe in 3 month, maybe in 5 or maybe just in 1 month, but thats something, that nobody knews. I think they will open it again, when they need someone. So just wait and drink tea ;)

    4. vetboss


      Ok thx



  6. Hello you need to go to request events. if you don’t know where it is then go through every pages in the site. Hope this helped you. Vetboss (edited) oh someone just replyed before me lol
  7. I want to know how long I have been a member on the truckersmp community?
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