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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Worggy

  1. DCH is the holy grail of trucking. We are the best at what we do having fun. Our focus is keeping the game fun and less about having pages and pages of rules that lets be honest most dont even follow. So why should you join? 1. No minimum requirements 2. Want to play other games? Then play them we dont care we even like for people to join discord when they play other games. 3. We try and keep the game fun and have less rules. As you can see I am not saying we have 1,2,5 or even 10k requirements no because thats dumb its your game and thats why we have no mileage requirements. 4. We arent mile pushers not that we cant do the miles. We have several that have placed in the top 3. We choose not to push miles. If we rank high great if we dont who cares. 5. We have company colors but it's your choice if you run them or not. 6. We have all the crap that every VTC offers plus we keep it fun and THATS ALL WERE ABOUT the fun. 7. 18+ but if your mature there is flexibility within reason. 8. We do bi weekly convoys but we run unofficial convoys almost everyday. 9. We are english speaking only. Thats really it guys its that simple no rules, be mature, and come have fun trucking with us. If interested check us out at https://trucksbook.eu/company/48340 Website - https://dch-crane-vtc.wixsite.com/dch-crane-vtc
  2. I had an idea if I just reset my pc and went in and edited each profile in ATS and ETS to save to the cloud then I do the reset install everything then uncheck each profile to being back on my PC would that keep all my current profiles and correct this problem? I really have little on my PC I cant lose minus my streaming set up but im sure I can get that back up in no time,
  3. So I checked C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache I do have a folder, but when I check the path under internet properties its empty and if I try and follow the path I cant find C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache
  4. Alright I have completed this list and still receiving the error.
  5. Hello, have you tried this? Run in compatibility mod for Windows 7 - on windows 10 Reinstall TruckersMP Launcher and remove files by CCleaner - I uninstalled and reinstalled I will try it using ccleaner Restart router - yes didnt work Reinstall Euro Truck Simulator 2 Launcher and remove files by CCleaner press F1 in TruckersMP Launcher menu - doesnt let me get to the launcher I will try everything on the list and get back with you.
  6. Every time I try and connect to MP it wont let me says an error occurred when contacting the servers. I have had this before and running as administrator corrected it but this time no such luck.
  7. LOL I looked everywhere for something like that or I thought. Thanks
  8. So I had installed the snow mod. Tried it didnt care for it and uninstalled it. However, ever since then it wont stop snowing. There is no snow on the ground so the MOD is gone but the snow isnt. I tried enabling and disabling it again but it had no effect.
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