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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by zyaney

  1. There aren`t solution for this or what????
  2. @mwl4 Thanks for the manual, but I prefer mine.... I have said it, it is not the first time that I install
  3. @HamitCanKilic @mwl4 This is not the first time I install Truckers. The routes are good. I already used F1 and updated everything.
  4. @HamitCanKilic / My game is recently installed. Today.
  5. Can someone explain this to me?
  6. Hola... llevo unos meses desconectado... tanto como para no enterarme de que Myvtc.net ha cerrado Y no me aclaro con WOTRDB... ¿Cómo están haciendo ahora?
  7. My uninstall program delete directories, link access, save documents, patchs, mods.... and everything that has to do with the game.
  8. I use a external Windows program to uninstall the games. I reinstall the game and the MP mod. In three times!!
  9. I think after a few years playing these fires, I think I have some experience in adjusting versions.
  10. Well, another day has passed and I still can play American Truck Simulator. I'm still in my reiteration that the forums are not much.
  11. The version that is requested is the Still without a solution
  12. For this reason I do not like the forums. It is supposed to also serve as a support to the players. They have two hours passed, and still can play.
  13. I have version of the game installed, but I get the error message incorrect version. For what is this? I'll try with Mp version
  14. Alguien sabe por que no conecta? Me aparece todo correcto, pero dice que va a conectar y no lo hace... Se queda en OFFline y ni siquiera hace los intentos a los que estamos acostumbrados cada 10 segs.
  15. Estoy buscando una compañía para ofrecer mis servicios como conductor. Tengo más de 90 mil puntos de experiencia y un montón de kms a las espaldas. Interesados ponerse en contacto por privado o en este Topic.
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