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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by ThreeGlavModz

  1. Doesn't admins messages appear even if chat is off? If no, this should be solution. Admin messages allways appears, even if chat is off.
  2. Suggestion Name: Kick Voting Suggestion Description: Here is what happened yesterday and today. A guy parked trailer under the bridge on C-D road. Yesterday we have to wait 20mins for admin to come and kick/ban, today we wait 10min. So..my suggestion is to implement VOTE KICK system into the game, so every player will be able to request vote kick. When player request vote kick, system will show other nearby player ability to choose YES or NO option, with pressing the correct button. And then if 80%(or any other percentage) people pressed YES option, that voted player will be automaticly kicked. I have attached additional pictures, to explain better. Example images: The voting system: Why should it be added?: I think becouse of better traffic flow, in case there are no admins around.
  3. +1 Really nice idea. Especially when someone hits you, and you dont really know who was that. Simply you check pinfo, and see if the truck/car was the one..
  4. Suggestion Name: New Police skin for Scout Police car: Suggestion Description: What about a new police skin, for you guys, game admins? Example images: Why should it be added?: It should be added, becouse of more modern look.
  5. Its not very common in freight market
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