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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by blakeyboy6

  1. In real life, most people in the UK would keep their CBs on channel 19, though if you were talking to someone and didn't want anyone cutting in or didn't want to cut in on anyone you'd probably use channel 1. But for most of the time it's 19.
  2. HI, Is it a requirement to have the pinfo when reporting people or is their usernames enough? Thanks!
  3. I have a GTX1070 and I get 60 FPS most of the time.
  4. I have had it since the last update also. Maybe it is to reduce lag.
  5. When I'm driving on multiplayer past other trucks the accessories (light bars, bull bars, lights, etc.) are not loading in until they are about 50-75m from me.
  6. When I'm driving I usually hear a clunking noise like if you were driving with the differential lock on but its off.
  7. @3567- Intel Core i5 6600K (overclocked to 4.6 GHz) 16GB RAM GTX 1070
  8. @3567- I've only had this problem when I got my new PC
  9. @ArmiNNN didn't work but thanks anyway
  10. Sometimes when driving on ETS2 MP I loose connection for about 2 seconds, everyone stops and then goes again. This problem sometimes causes me to crash into people and it gets really annoying for me and probably a lot of other players when I crash. Please help!!!
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