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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by rt-2

  1. Ok then, thanks for correcting me
  2. Hi guys, I written a ticket, they told me they were aware and it would be fixed in 48h max.
  3. Why did you locked my post and chooses the worst answer as "the best answer".
    It was not solved at all, I reported this...
    Please read the post before applying moderations, especially if it's gonna 'lock' the post....

    1. FirestarteR93


      I went to check, the best answer was actually marked by @HerrSwizz

      (btw I've restored the topic)

    2. CaptainKostaZ


      I apologise for any inconvenience caused..

    3. rt-2


      Alright, thank you guys.

  4. I had to do some research to understand what you meant. I found out that the Highway 48 is 50, 37 or 31mph speed limit (For those who wondered)
  5. This is funny, a company that sells that.. HAHAHA They really should arrive in the 2000 era. Thanks for your answer lol Have a good day
  6. Hi guys, for the spamming , it is all explained here, it is not me, it is a forum bug. Also, you guys may not realize that there is actually a server bug right now, even with all the settings you mentioned, the game settings forces the speed limiter. The bug has not been addressed by the developers and an update have been issued since, but nothing to fix this. And you say I should drive the speed I may? well I'm trying to go 75 on a 80mph highway HAHAHA Thank you, rt-2
  7. Yeah, but trucks, in real life, don't generally drive around* in competently empty roads in a deserted environment where it's boring as hell. 1- It's too boring to do that now there is nobody. 2- In a realism standpoint, it's also not realistic, if there was the same amount of traffic in real life than in ATS-MP, I'm pretty sure the trucks wouldn't be speed limited Also, there is some highways in the game at 80mph,, but now we all got to go to 68mph, is that realistic?
  8. Hi guys, I think your forum needs to enter the 90's era.. There is nothing that stops anyone from clicking multiple times on the "submit question" button. There should be something like a Javascript script that stops multiple sending of the same form. That is really basic programming. I'm not bashing, i'm just saying,, if you guys need help with that I can help you out I'm a programmer. Hope you guys figure it out. example: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/42580-speed-limiter-stuck-on/ https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/42579-speed-limiter-stuck-on/ https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/42578-speed-limiter-stuck-on/ https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/42577-speed-limiter-stuck-on/ Thank you and sorry, rt-2
  9. Hi, I made another post, and it was put as "solved" but it was not solved at all. We haven't had any official report stating what is happening, and the bug is still there,, so I don'T understand why it was said as "solved" When I saw that this morning I was full of joy, got into ATS-MP, there was an update, I tought that was it!! Only to see that the speed limiter is still on! original post: I started the client today and it downloaded a file I think it was called coreatsmp.dll or something.Then when I tried to play, my truck had a speed limiter, when I remove it in the option it just comes back automatically.I am playing in the american server of ATS and it never happened before.I tried to do research but found nothing. I hope this will get fixed soon. Seems like a simple mistake from the admins, I'm sure it can be fixed in a minute when they realize it..... Thank you,rt-2 Other instances of the problem: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/42549-speed-limiter-stuck-on/ https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/42511-truck-speed-limiter-setting/#comment-411505 https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/42506-speed-limited-to-70-on-regular-jobs/ https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/42514-ats-speed-limiter/ https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/42501-speed-limiter-is-ever-activated/
  10. That's weird, I just talked to someone in game, he said he doesn't have any speed limiter,, I hope he's wrong and it's not just me and a couple others that have a specific bug.... EDIT: NVM he was blocked too... I guess just server bug.,..
  11. Hello guys, Thank you for your answers, There seem to be an issue since this morning's update, See: and and and I hope this will get fixed soon. Seems like a simple mistake from the admins, I'm sure it can be fixed in a minute when they realize it.....
  12. Hi, I started the client today and it downloaded a file I think it was called coreatsmp.dll or something. Then when I tried to play, my truck had a speed limiter, when I remove it in the option it just comes back automatically. I am playing in the american server of ATS and it never happened before. I tried to do research but found nothing. Thank you, rt-2 EDIT: I have the EXACT same issue as this guy:
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