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Brazilian Voice Navigation

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Suggestion Name: Brazilian Voice Navigation

Suggestion Description: Would it be possible to make it the "Brazilian Voice Navigation" mod compatible with TruckersMP?

Why should it be added?: In the 1.35 update came the navigation voices. but SCS did not release with the voices of Brazilian Portuguese, so I created a mod and released it to Steam Workshop with Brazilian voices. The Brazilian community really liked my mod and would like it to be compatible with TruckersMP.

Below is my modification link in Steam Workshop.

Brazilian Voice Navigation - Steam Workshop

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Dear @Rafael - LPMODS,

Firstly, we would thank you for your interest in the community, but adding mods have been asked several times and it is not possible, because they bring a lot of issues that we probably can't handle, also it slow down the process of updating TMP. Our goal is to keep the best performances as possible and getting the mod updated. Therefore, we are not able to add a Portuguese voice navigation.

I advise you to read the following topic where you will find all frequently suggested things:

On the other hand, you can suggest this to SCS :) 

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me by sending me a private message.

Thanks for your understanding, 

TruckersMP Team


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