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Suggestion Name:

Reconnect to the server page.



Falling from accessing the player to the server.


Consequence of Trouble:

Automatic player's exit from Trucker MP.


Suggestion Description:

Creation of a programming language that makes the player not to be kicked out of Truckers MP, but redirected to the Truckers MP servers page.


Other Suggestions:

Creating the command -  "reconnection" - located in the lower corner of the game screen, in its left portion. Being visible when the player is kicked out of the server per connection that is not suitable for server connection parameters. Any sample image: Why should it be added? Both solutions allow greater agility to the player to follow the game, to choose a server, which may be the most appropriate and support the parameters of game connectivity, due to the connection rate of your internet to the game server.


Consequences of play:

 Increased number of satisfied players playing in the MP truckers.

Because they would understand that the disconnection is for technical reasons and the route to the page with the servers, has the ability to decrease the negative perception when kicked out of the game, for reasons beyond their control.

Increase the agility of players in carrying out cargo missions and events. It reduces the time needed to resume the game, contributing to the improvement of the gameplay criterion, an important element in multiplayer games.

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