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Dynamic AFK timer


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Since the suggestion forum rework, my suggestion simply vanish so I decide to recreate my last suggestion.


Suggestion Name: Dynamic AFK timer


Suggestion Description: AFK kicking is dependent on how full the server. When the server population is low or medium, afk is unlimited and players will never get kicked for being afk. When the server starts to become full and reach a threshold, the current AFK timer is enabled and kicks all players that have been afk longer than the allowed duration The current AFK timer rules will remain enabled until the server drops in population and disables kicking afk players. To prevent afk blocking the road, this is only enabled when in parking lots.


Any example images: None


Why it should be added: This is for the convenience of players that need to afk and get back to the game quickly. It also gives the parking lot a function and for immersion purposes of using a parking lots to rest in-game and in real life. A bigger benefit is that since unlimited afk is only enabled in low population servers, it encourages players to populate those servers to gain the benefit instead of being funneled to one big server which means less queue times. Lastly, coding is simple as it only requires coding checks about server status and location of the players for the afk kick to be disabled. Overall, it adds a lot of benefit for the player base without any drawbacks.

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