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In game reporting

Midnight Rider


I have a question about the in game reporting feature.  It seems that every time I report a player using this function it comes back and says no action was taken against the player.  Can someone clarify what this does and how it works so I can better understand if I need to use this feature or not?  TIA    





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Dear @Raiders_fan, as already mentioned above the reports from the ingame-reporting system are queued up. They have to be claimed by a Game Moderator within ten minutes, otherwise they will get deleted and the creator of the report will get the message in the chat that no action was taken. Since our Game Moderators are really busy at prime time and usually there's quite many reports coming in at once, the chances are pretty high that it won't get claimed in time, therefore you see this message quite often. To be safe, just record your game sessions and create a report on our homepage if nobody claimed your ingame-report.


Please let us know if your question has been answered sufficiently or if you need any further information.


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Reports time out in 10 mins so it was likely that there were many reports in queue so the admin wasn't able to reach your report before it timed out.

If you have evidence please make a web report

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Hi there,


When this message appears, it simply means there was not a game moderator available to claim the report (As they expire in 10 minutes) . If a Game Moderator is available you will see a message which says 'action was taken..' - This means the report was claimed.

Obviously you can report online which will always be dealt with - https://truckersmp.com/reports


Help guide on this:



I hope this helps.


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