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Colored names for event team In-Game


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Suggestion Name: Colored names for event team In-Game

Suggestion Description: The the names could be blue, orange, etc...

Any example images: no

Why should it be added?: At the last event (Heavy Cargo Convoy) there were many Event team members but I could not decide the event team of normal players, since only the Nametag was different.

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Kind regards,


Retired Manager



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There is a reason why only one team has a different rank colour and that is you would end up having 20 different colours for each rank. The current rank names are already shown in the chat for Game Moderators and above which is sufficient. The name colour, however, must not change mandatorily. Some people of the team might not even like being recognised as staff. Forcing them to permanently have a different colour is not a good idea. Since there is the possibility of having an in-game name tag, those can be used instead.



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