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Skoda physics are severely broken


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Game: ATS and ETS2

Mod Version: Every version I've ever played; right now, current versions.
Controllers Used: XBOne wireless controller
Description of Issue: Simply put, the Skoda's physics are terrible.  It flips just like a truck if you take a corner too fast, its brakes are epic garbage unless you set the brake intensity slider all the way to the right (which then screws up your truck brakes), when colliding with trucks the Skoda always wins...I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
How to reproduce: Drive the Skoda and try to stop; watch other people drive the Skoda.
Screenshots / Videos: Practically every "Idiots on the Road" video on Youtube showcases these faults multiple times per video.


I'm reporting this here because the Skoda comes with TruckersMP; if it's not something you guys can fix in-house, let me know and I'll go track down the original author and see if they can fix it.

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The physics are not correct because it's technically a truck with a car body. Compared to other car mods I've tested in the past, the one in TMP is stable. Personally I find the braking fine with the setting set to the max, using a G920. The handling is fine as well, unless you're driving 100MPH+, which is not necessary. It's not a bug, just the way it is.

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