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Where our dear admins ?


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Suggestion Name:Admins

Suggestion Description:admin's onlineship

Why should it be added?:for truckersmp famıly


Hello and good works for everybody . I don't know ıf there ısnt good place but that ıs enought . where our admıns ? since double trailors came,  lot admins in scandinavia . forgot about other cities ? (ı have scandınavıa dlc) but that is really problem , we need stay in bergen-oslo for good game ? why our admıns forgot about duısburg , brussel , calais , rotherdam , amsterdam . lot admıns have twıtch,youtube channel and they busy wıth thıs , please .. more ınterest with game .you can't say me admıns are lot busy .. and my words not for all admıns . we have very good admıns.. and  you can say me report them , but which one can ı report ? 50 ? 100 ? ıt ıs about admıns onlıne . thıs truckersmp ıs our . and we are big famıly now . thıs is serıous famous team truckersmp . ıf people have enjoy thıs game they can donate to truckersmp team . we need people , not need make run away them


suggestions ; give hour limits to admins and give cities , part  part .

                      free drive for hıgh population areas usually (but not only for Admins channels twıtchtv,youtube)

                      check admins with a onlıne list .


we need rules for good game . rules are not only for users .. thank you ...


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Making fixed plans for in-game admins to tell them when to be online and where to be is not going to work out at all. Even though the admin team consists of various nationalities and thus many different time zones, not everybody does have the time to sit some hours in front of the screen to deal with admin work. Also, during the week some of those admins, who are (believe it or not) actually human beings, just do not have the time to deal with in-game duties as they are not at home, for example, due to being in another country or working remotely etc. Concludingly, an almost similar suggestion has already been made here, just with the difference to focus only on a single city. Even though it is a nice idea to have a time scheme, it is not going to work out as intended.



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