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Help clarify some rules



I just have a few questions on the current rules.

When overtaking is it punishable if you do not follow the guidelines and it results in an accident or almost cause an accident? 

If there is a convoy and they temporarily use all two lanes on the expressway (while still moving) would it be considered blocking?

If someone is tailing you too closely for a prolonged period of time and you shut off your engine would that be considered ramming for purposely causing them to rear end you?


Thanks for the help :)



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7 answers to this question

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When overtaking is it punishable if you do not follow the guidelines and it results in an accident or almost cause an accident? 

            You are allowed to overtake anywhere but if it causes an accident then you can get banned

If there is a convoy and they temporarily use all two lanes on the expressway (while still moving) would it be considered blocking?
            If it seems to be done on purpose, yes they could be banned but hard to prove. They are allowed to use both lanes.

If someone is tailing you too closely for a prolonged period of time and you shut off your engine would that be considered ramming for purposely causing them to rear end you?
            That is called brake checking someone and yes, it is a bannable offense. 


I hope to have answered your questions. 

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Ingame rules:





(Author: VavelOnline)

This is a very simple how-to guide on how to overtake (and be overtaken) properly.
The first thing you should be aware of is DESYNC. Basically, what you see on your screen is not always what the other players are seeing. This might cause (unintentional) ramming in many situations. To counter that effect, here's some practical information that you should always follow.
When overtaking
- Start your overtaking maneuver when you are at least 60m from the truck in front of you (you can always check the distances using the <TAB> key).
- Stay in line
- When you checked that the other driver is 100m behind you, you can start merging back.
- Alternatively, if you see the other driver turn its lights on, or hear him honk 2 short times, it means that you can merge back safely from his point of view, even if you're not 100m ahead. In that case, it's nice to thank him using the left-right-left-right blinker signal. Note that high beams would normally be used IRL, but cannot be seen for now in the MP game.
When being overtaken
- Stay in line
- If you're riding at 90 km/h, it is nice to slow down a little so the other driver has a chance to overtake you.
- When there's enough distance between you and the overtaker (60m should be enough), turn your lights on (or honk 2 short times if it's night time and your lights are already turned on) to signal that he can merge back safely.
Let's hope everybody follow these rules, and the road will be a lot safer.


A good convoy will always stay in one lane to cause little obstruction to the flow of traffic, in the case of emergencies, etc then they might use both lanes, but nowhere in the rules does it state that convoys can only use one lane.


You shouldn't shut off your engine while driving. You should only realistically do this when parked suitably or in emergencies, parked on the hard shoulder.


Hope this helps!



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  • You should follow the guidelines for overtaking always, and try not to on corners. Accidents always happen and aren't always on purpose.
  • Convoys should technically use two lanes as (one/two is for overtaking as the same in real life), unless it's a merging lane in which case it's the equivalent of high traffic where everyone should wait their turn to move. 
  • If someone is tailing you should pull over and let them pass, personally that's what i'd do, saves a crash, puts off a troll because of no reaction and why would you want to be rear ended anyway haha.... that's my opinion anyway!
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Thanks everyone :) It does help, for some reason I am tailed way too often, and have definitely thought about it XD. The reason I ask about merging is because someone pulled in front of me as I was about to enter the exit ramp and forced me to stop in the middle of the expressway. In a convoy we used two lanes to get back into the correct positions, someone pulled up behind us and said they were going to report us, later found out they never did. 

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49 minutes ago, Sysgen said:

When overtaking is it punishable if you do not follow the guidelines and it results in an accident or almost cause an accident? 

            You are allowed to overtake anywhere* but if it causes an accident then you can get banned

*Isn't overtaking at Europoort a bannable offence even without causing an accident?


Ready to go!


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