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Game freezes are random moments



Hi :)


This doesn't happen a lot but every few hours or so my game freezes for a few seconds then it goes back to running normal again. Not really sure what is happening. This can happen anywhere, not just in popular/busy areas


Is there any solution to fixing this?


EDIT - Sorry for the title spelling mistake  :(

Edited by SnopeDogeWow
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7 answers to this question

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Does this happen on Single Player as well, or just Multiplayer? Have you got anything running in the background that you think may cause it? Any recent system changes or applications installed since you first noticed this happening? And also have you tried to re-install your game and/or multiplayer?


Hopefully we can help identify the cause of this issue soon!

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Hi :) 

1) I'm going to test this on singleplayer, I'll post again after 3 hours of testing

2)I have hardly anything running, I checked windows task manager and my 8gb ram is only taken up by 1gb (when the game isn't running) and when the game is running my ram is only 4gb full.

3)No recent system changes for nearly a month too. All I do is just play american truck simulator multiplayer pretty much on this PC lol

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This may be just the way MP works. Whenever I get in range of a considerable amount of people my game will stutter for maybe half a second at worst. I'm not sure if this is due to texture loading, or the logging (C:\Users\User\Documents\ATSMP) of the players as you get near them... Maybe your hard drive is not liking the writes from MP? Just a guess

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