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4 answers to this question

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First of all, greetings 🫡

This is not a problem caused by you, please don't worry 

There are some factors that cause server downtime, However, now the problem has been solved You can enjoy your game and have a pleasant time, knowing that this error is not caused by you :HaulieLove:


Kind regard, 


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Ello there, @SuYiChen2021


As the @Microsoft Windows 11  together with @Tilkibeyefenditilki mentioned there was some issues regarding a connection which now should be resolved, please let us know if it works! 


Your status of your issue keeps our forum always organized! 


I'm waiting for your reply.


Kind Regards


TruckersMP Support 


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Hello there!


I am glad to hear that you got an answer to your question.


Do not hesitate to contact us again by creating a topic or a support ticket.
Due to the best answer has been marked and your problem has been solved, I'm going to lock and move your topic to Solved.


Kind Regards,
Roy Pegasus
TruckersMP Support


//Locked and Moved to Solved

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