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construction of a new road or add two lines on the C-D

окси qlf

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name of the suggestion: construction of a new road or adding a double track on the C-D

Description of the suggestion: hello, I just made a new suggestion for the C-D, I would have to take a second look to avoid traffic jams, and also that people avoid overtaking in the grass the image below below shows you, what needs to be changed

Example images:

https://ibb.co/ ZXZBRPy


Why should we add it?

avoid traffic jams and overtaking on the grass?

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3 minutes ago, Leon Baker said:

Cher@oksi qlf,

I didn't do it in English I did them in French I didn't know I had to put it in English


Deux de vos suggestions ont déjà été rejetées pour non-respect de la règle de suggestion répertoriée ici . Veuillez vous assurer de suivre le format à tout moment et que la suggestion est rédigée en anglais.



Léon Baker

Gestionnaire de communauté


I didn't do it in English I did them in French I didn't know I had to put it in English

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  • окси qlf changed the title to construction of a new road or add two lines on the C-D

No. Making CD in to a motorway will only move the traffic somewhere else. People aren't on that road because they HAVE to be there. They are there because of the traffic. And if you remove the traffic/interaction with traffic then players are just going elsewhere.

It will be as deserted as any other motorway on the map.

If there actually was a legit reason to have that much traffic (i.e. game says "This road is a must to do before you can buy your own truck"), then it would be something else. But people don't have to be there. They could go somewhere else. And they will if this happens - mainly because they don't to drive on motorways. They want to drive with traffic to interact with.


It's simple, tbh. No one forces you to go on that road to progress your game. You choose to go on that road. If you don't like the road then don't go there.

- I'm not saying I'm Wonder Woman; I'm just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman in the same room together.

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Just now, окси qlf said:

Hello I can see your comment but every time there are accidents on this road everyone rushes in it it would be cool to just change the road put a double lane so that it drives better

If you don't like sitting in traffic then don't go to places that has traffic. Traffic = accidents. No matter where you encounter traffic.

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- I'm not saying I'm Wonder Woman; I'm just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman in the same room together.

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Well there was a highway once there and what should i say, it didn't really helped the traffic there. (and not to mention the performance and traffic jams (#satthere4hours)) [ye it was an april joke, but it showed why it didnt really worked:

In my Opinion the new Gas station will be helping a lot and we need to see if the impact is any kind of improving the situation there.

Therefore I'm against your suggestion for now.


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Dear @окси qlf,


Thanks for making the requested changes to the topic.


After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that we will not be proceeding with the suggestion. At the moment, we have no plans to make significant changes to the layout of the road, our primary goal is improving the traffic flow without making major changes to let C-D keep its "vibe" that our community enjoys.



Leon Baker

Community Manager

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