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Connection Refused. You are not owner of some DLC you use


7 answers to this question

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 "Steam Client", Navigate to the "Library" tab and click on it.

Right-click on either ATS or ETS2, depending on which Game

Click on "Properties", Navigate to "Local Files", and click on "Verify Integrity of Game Files"


 This will verify all your Game files and replace any files that may be damaged or missing.

Once the process has been completed, hopefully, this fixes the error for you

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Hai there, @1razexx


Welcome here at TruckersMP Forums (Help section) 


Firstly, I would like to remind you that every DLC you tried to cheat any way, will not work on TruckersMP  - > I wrote this, cause I saw  "I have only 3 free dlc's" and I did not know what you meant by that. 



According to your issue you mentioned please read following steps: 


- > Have you tried to launch TMP as administrator? 

- > Does it always happen when you want to enter in to MP? 


If you have recently bought some dlc, I recommend you to check all dlc here: https://truckersmp.com/profile/settings - Linked DLC's - > click to check dlc and wait. 



2. Solution - > Clean a cache and cookies in your browser, try to re-login again and check DLC's and wait. 




As another solution you can try to re-install TruckersMP Launcher as there might be some bug  


  • Press the Windows Key + R (Win+R) on your keyboard
  • Enter "%programdata%" and press Enter (without the quotes)
  • Find the folder "TruckersMP" and delete that folder.
  • Go to documents and delete this folders called (ETS2MP, ATSMP) 
  • Navigate to C:\Program Files\ and delete the folder named "TruckersMP Launcher"
  • Go to our website and re-download and install the Launcher with admin privileges https://truckersmp.com/download/ 
  • Open The Launcher with admin privileges and click "Install Available Updates"


Check these solution one by one and then let me know if anything helped to you! 


I'm waiting for your response

Kind Regards,

RedWolf [CZ] 

TruckersMP Veteran Driver IV I MCG Master Driver 

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Hello 1razexx,


I'd recommend completing a full reinstall of Steam, thus Euro Truck Simulator 2. This ensures that all "cache" of sorts is cleared and you should be able to play the game as you usually would with no issues whatsoever and without receiving the error that you're currently receiving.


Best wishes,


TruckersMP Support

Schulex TruckersMP Support

TruckersMP Support System | TruckersMP Rules | Feedback System

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Hello there!


Your topic has been inactive for 3 days since the last reply.
Because of inactivity, I will have to move this topic to Inactive Topics.


You may try to contact the author of this plugin directly.

If you have any further queries, feel free to DM me or another Support Team member and we will open this topic as per your request.


Kind regards,


TruckersMP Trial Support


//Locked and moved to Inactive.

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Hello @1razexx,


Due to this topic not wanting to be opened after 1 week of being Inactive, I will have to move it to Unsolved Topics.


If you are still having issues, feel free to contact us here: https://truckersmp.com/support


Kind regards,
TruckersMP Support




//Moved to Unsolved

MythicalLegend - TruckersMP - Support


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