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map editor help


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1- Preparation – Enabling the Map Editor

I recommend you an application called Notepad++ (https://notepad-plus-plus.org/) for Modding. Notepad++ is like a regular notepad editor, but better and simpler to use for molding.

 To unlock the Map Editor you need to enable the Console and Developer options. This can be done as follows:

1. Open the ETS2 My Documents folder
Your My Documents Folder is located in C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2 directory.

2. Open the CONFIG.CFG file
This can be done with any Notepad++ or regular Windows Notepad program.

3. Find Lines G_CONSOLE and G_DEVELOPER.
You can easily find these two lines with CTRL + F. Replace these:

uset g_console "0"

uset g_developer "0"



uset g_console "1"

uset g_developer "1"


Do it. 0 means “Not in use”, 1 means “In use”.
Now that we have the developer tools enabled, it is necessary to create a shortcut of ETS2 to access the Map Editor.

4. Find your ETS2 Home Directory and create a shortcut of EUROTRUCKS2.EXE.

Your ETS2 Home Directory is usually located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2, but if you have customized it, you must navigate to that directory.

Create a new folder named “base” and inside the folder named “map”

5. Defining the editor in the shortcut

Right-click the shortcut you created and go to properties.
In the properties, add "-edit Europe" to the end of the directory in the "Target" section. –Edit means the map editor will open, and Europe means the default map will be loaded.

If your question has not been resolved in my explanation above, please do not hesitate to say it again.

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If you type -edit in the launch options, it opens zero maps -edit Europe, you can edit the map of the game. After you save it and save it as a zip, it will work when you put it in the .scs mod folder. Don't forget to open a new profile and activate the map you just made from the mod manager. Also, when you make the map, zip the map, but you must put a garage first... The condition is also a city name etc.

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