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Found 2 results

  1. Hi! Exist the possibility in the future to have an event server for the american continent? Or change the "us sim" for that purpose during events? "US Sim" is a deserted place, maybe can be used during official event as an alternative event server for us. I don't know why, but some of us can barely play during events, some south americans doesn't have problems, 400ms but "playable", other can't play at all. Can we do something, like a petition or something? I don't know how this works, don't know how many of us want or need this, we don't have a very united community nor a "loudly" one, for that this is more a question than suggestion.
  2. Greetings. Since the announcement of the outage on the TruckersMP status page (Friday 24th June 2016) I have been unable to connect to the ATS US server despite the status being upgraded to active. -Login works with no issue -Connection stalls after getting "Connecting to United States Server" message Note: I can connect to both of the Europe servers without issue. I have never had any previous errors with ATS MP before this outage. Thank you for your time and help! ------------------------ -Addendum - 2122 hours CST the US server allowed me to login for a brief time after starting a new profile. However when I returned after restarting my pc a bit later it's again not connecting to the US server with same error explained above. -Edit 6/30 - Not using any sort of firewalls and having the same issue. Only firewall I use is windows firewall and I've made sure both the ATS and MP Launcher exe's are on the exempted list -edit 7/1 - Still can only connect to Europe 1 and Europe 2 servers on ATS. -edit 7/2 - Super strange, once again the server allowed me to login and play, until I was idle kicked, then once I tried to connect again, same error....stalls at "Connecting to United States server" Updated the MP client at 4:45 cst and still failing to connect to the US Server
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