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Found 2 results

  1. Suggestion Name: Giving Skoda to Players with Certain Hours Recommendation Description: I think Skoda Vehicles should not be given to every player. For example, it can be given to players with a minimum of 100 hours or to players with a minimum of 400 hours. Any Sample Image: ** Why Add? ; Troll players in the game use Skodas in many different ways, driving fast and causing accidents, using the vehicle as a rally car and playing an important role in irregular traffic.
  2. Hey, recently I've been playing a lot on Europe 2. I spotted some rammers and reckless drivers yesterday, I have them on video and I don't know how to report them. I don't know if this is appropriate but, here are the video and the time stamps. Also for future reports, how can I report with a video? Time Stamps: 0:00 to 0:35 -- alexloban (ID:2008000) 0:40 to 0:55 -- Ivan Kukutsapo)) (ID:2279590) Szyymeqq (ID:1661143)
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