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Hey, can someone answer me if telemetry ( still works? Because I created project in VS and few month ago it's worked fine now app doesn't work. I use "ets2-telemetry.dll" and "Ets2SdkClient.dll" files. Btw I disabled some settings in Windows maybe is here problem? Thank you for answer. Edit: SOLVED i need install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012.
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Hi all, Long time fan of MP here, though first post of the forum! Basically I'll just cut to the chase, is the TSDK (Telemetry SDK) enabled on MP? I'm assuming not as I've made a dash with an arduino and it runs perfect on single player, then when I jump on MP it doesn't work. When I load the game I get the SDK acknowledgement box thing where I press OK, but once the game loads the arduino doesn't receive anything. Thanks in advance, E P.S TSDK isn't an offical shortening, I'm just too lazy to type it all the time.