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  1. Hello all, I have been having problems with the launcher and it is that the download speeds are freaking ridiculous. I have a 1 Gbps connection and yet the launcher is failing to download, even if it downloads the updates it would be at a snails paste. Occasionally I would get the error "An exception occurred during a WebClient request. Press OK to retry.", I never had such problems before this launcher was introduced. I have tried reinstalling TruckersMP, deleting all traces of TruckersMP from my system, re-downloading/installing the launcher. Nothing has worked, I even tried changing my DNS (Google and forcing a Proxy from my ISP. I even disabled my anti-virus Firewall and enabling/disabling Windows Firewall. I completely have given up on this launcher thing. Your help and assistance is greatly appreciated in resolving this issue. Many thanks, Certified_Trucker
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