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  1. Hi, Forum keepers, My online account is 387887518@qq,com. First of all, I am a conservative player. I enjoy driving and delivering cargo. Almost, I observe traffic rules but i may over speed sometimes What I want to complain is that: Some big port city like Rotterdam, there are so many people don't keep traffic rules. Ignore traffic light, hit my ass , violent language, converse driving. Even some admin who drive Police Car, they hit my car without any reason. Please check the clip as reference and evidence. https://www.bilibili.com/video/av10923171/ I call them bad players. Obviously, they are hard to be seen in DLC map. I want to have the right to ban those bad players. Please tell me how to obtain the right?
  2. I have recently purchased American Truck Simulator. I started up my career, everything was running smoothly, quit the game to go to bed, woke up the next day and switched it on to find that the only way to press enter (usually left click on mouse) is to right click... Now I checked my laptop to see if it was changed in the settings, but its working like a normal laptop with clicking, so it appears to only be on American Truck Simulator. Has anyone else had this problem or should I get used to being left handed?
  3. Here's my crash log of ETS2MP off my system: http://pastebin.com/SRfmp22m Mod Version: Version 0.1.1 Alpha. Controllers Used: Driving Force GT. Description of Issue: Game crash after mission finish. How to reproduce: No idea. Screenshots / Videos: None.
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