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World Of Trucks


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  1. INTRODUCTION Reverse parking is the most important and usual maneuver, which every driver at the beginning of his career must know in advance. Compared to reality, the execution of this maneuver is much more difficult and does not have the benefits that the game offers, namely the viewing angles of the vehicle assembly (a truck and a semi-trailer). METHOD OF EXECUTION The execution of this maneuver generally differs by several factors, the most important being: place, area and type of semi-trailer. At the same time, the execution mode is very much influenced by the settings in the game of each of you and the maneuverability device used (my game settings are default and I use the keyboard). Scenario presented: Reverse parking using the second viewing angle. Step 1: Take a general look at the place and space available to perform the maneuver; Step 2: Set some landmarks (in my case, parked semi-trailers and parking markings) and position yourself parallel to them. The distance between the vehicle assembly and the reference point or points must be approximately the same as below; Step 3: Start the vehicle assembly in reverse mod, in a straight line, very easily, following immediately after forming an approximately obtuse angle between the truck and the semi-trailer. It is very important to perform this maneuver slowly; Step 4: Continue the maneuverability of the vehicle assembly very easily, opening and closing the previously formed uncle slightly, as necessary, until it is placed in a straight line; Step 5: Maneuver the vehicle assembly in reverse mod, in a straight line, as needed. All the steps explained: FINAL In order to easily learn the ability to perform this maneuver, regardless of the scenario, it is recommended to learn very well the general maneuvering of the set of vehicles (driving back and forth, framing in various places and spaces). Once you learn this maneuver as shown, it will be very easy for you to perform it anywhere, especially if you want to integrate into a virtual company. It also depends a lot on you, how familiar you are with the game. There may be grammatical errors in this guide! Sincerely, @FreakyBodyX
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