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Found 18 results

  1. Jestliže narazíte na problém s propojením vaší hry s webovými stránkami, nelekejte se a postupujte dle těchto kroků: -> Nelegalní verze hry - není podporována! Postup: -> Prvně se ujistěte, že jste na Steamu odehráli minimálně 2 hodiny -> Předtím, než začnete hru na TMP registorovat, ujistěte, že váš steam je v režimu public - > Public -> Jakmile tyto věci máte připravené, můžete začít registrovat -> Kontrola vámi vlastněné hry/ či DLC může zabrat několik minut, nechte prosím tento proces proběhnout až dokonce. Pokud i tak se po 5-10 minutách nic nestane postupujte: Použijte jiný typ prohlížeče Vyčistěte soubory cookies v internetovém prohlížeči - > znovu se přihlaste Zkuste hru zaregistovat znovu Problém by měl být vyřešen, pokud i tak vám toto řešení nepřineslo pozitivní výsledek, kontaktujte podporu TruckersMP zde S pozdravem RedWolf [CZ] TruckersMP Veteran Driver IV I MCG Team
  2. Hello, I want to register a new account. I have played at least 2 hours (4.4 hours to be exact) on the second account and I'VE BOUGHT THE GAME. It's not family sharing. Also I have set my profile ALL to public: What else should I do? I hit those 4.4 hours on the game yesterday so it should be good to go. Why is it not working?
  3. Guest

    Trucksmp Registration

    I am not able to register my account of the steam to the trucksmp, because it is saying that I am not supplying the basic requirements. But all requirements are fulfilled. What should I do
  4. Hello Community, A friend of mine recently bought Euro Truck Simulator like me and we wanted to play online. First, we both weren't able to sign up because the game couldn't be found in Steam. For myself, it worked some hours later with circa 3 hours played. (We know we need at least two). But he weren't able to sign up, still saying the game coudn't be found. The Profil is completly public and he played around 2.3 hrs. We really want to play online and hope a solution can be found. Thanks to all people helping, link : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198355647732
  5. Mój kolega jego nick steam to 4D4MIX ma problem z rejstracja poniewaz ma przegrane 2.1godz w grze i ma ustawione na profil publiczny wyswietlanie godz gry tez publiczny i odchaczone to kratke z informacja o godzinach tylko dra prywatnych graczy. Nie wiem co zrobic pomocy z gory dzn za szybka odpowiedz rozwiazany z innego kompa sie zarejstrowalem
  6. Merhabalar, Öncelikle konuyu yanlış yere açtıysam affola. Arkadaşım TMP'ye kayıt olmaya çalışırken.. "We were unable to find Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator on your account, please ensure your profile is set to public and that you have played the game at least 2 hours" hatasını alıyor. ETS2 oynama süresi 2 saatten fazla olmasına ve Profili herkese açık olmasına rağmen bu hatayı alıyor. Ayrıca Ticket attık fakat henüz bir yanıt alamadık. Çözümünü bilen varsa yardımcı olsun. Teşekkürler. Steam profili: https://steamcommunity.com/id/umutkoc71/ Ekran görüntüleri: https://prnt.sc/n2amij ve https://prnt.sc/n2amxc
  7. I cannot register my game.I bought the game 3 days ago ,and ı play min. two hours ,but my game looks like no register.
  8. I have played ETS2MP for some time now and my friends wanted to try it but they can`t register. They only get this: "We were unable to find Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator on your account, please ensure your profile is set to public and that you have played the game at least 2 hours" They have their steam accounts set to public and more than 5 hours in ETS2 and a world of trucks account but it`s still not working. Please help us. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hello! My friend has recently purchased ets2 and his account will not register with truckersmp, I don't know why and I need help. Notes about his account: *Used CD Key to get game and registered it on steam *100% Public Profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198858774337/ *Played 2 hours + Thanks
  10. Hello Community, A friend of mine recently bought Euro Truck Simulator like me and we wanted to play online. First, we both weren't able to sign up because the game couldn't be found in Steam. For myself, it worked some hours later with circa 3 hours played. (We know we need at least two). But he weren't able to sign up, still saying the game coudn't be found. The Profil is completly public and he played around 8 hrs. We really want to play online and hope a solution can be found. Thanks to all people helping, Spygot [Original Error from the Website, German]: Wir konnten Euro Truck Simulator 2 oder American Truck Simulator nicht in Ihrem Konto finden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Profil öffentlich ist und Sie das Spiel mindestens 2 Stunden gespielt haben
  11. Hello, sorry for bothering you guys.. i have a big problem. I bought for my friend a ETS2 license and gave me as a gift.. he activated on steam and he played like 12 hours. His profile is public... but he can`t create an account on TruckersMP.... this is what he get`s Fix the errors below and try again We were unable to find Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator on your account, please ensure your profile is set to public and that you have played the game at least 2 hours ... please help me Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/danydeejay
  12. Hello. I have question, can you unregister my old account " email-deleted "? I registered it in 2016 and i lost ETS2 on my old steam account. Now I have new steam account with ETS2, but i can't login, because I can't register new account on TruckersMP. Thanks for answers.
  13. Hello, My girlfriend bought ETS2 in the steam sale as she saw me playing ETS2MP and said she wanted to join me and my friends. Today she reached the 2 hours playing time so it was time to register her an account on ets2mp.com. But here's the problem. Whenever she tries to connect with steam, she can login on steam, she gets the e-mail with the code (so the steam password isn't wrong) but when she clicks continue, it says invallid data. LIke something is wrong but it doesn't tell us what. Anyone an idea what the problem can be? Is it becaue I have an account already? We play on seperated steam accounts with shared library. Thanks in advance.
  14. Help Me, I Did Everything to try to register, but it only says "If you own ETS2 click the button below to check now (make sure your profile is set to public and that you have played the game for at least 2 hours)." and I don't have ETS2, I Have ATS , Could Someone Help Me With This??
  15. Hi, I constantly click on Check now - I wait a few minutes then nothing would happen. I'd try to log onto my ATS MP in-game and it tells me to register my game. I do check now again and I'm back to square one. Someone please help.
  16. Hello! So, for about a month ago i bought ATS and it worked fine with Multiplayer. But today i bought ETS2, and when i was about to log into multiplayer it said that i needed to register. so when i was in settings, it said that i have to register it, and then i pressed the yellow button.. " We are checking now, please come back in a couple of minutes " And about 1 hour later, i try again.. I still cant login to multiplayer and it just says that i need to register.. Please! i need help..
  17. I bought a copy for my friend today and we were getting mp set up for him. The problem is when you click the Sign-in with Steam button from the register link it never loads or opens. Is this still something on going with the update or ? Thanks alot.
  18. Arcano


    Hi there! Well, i try to register in the Home web to play ETS2 Online but i can't cuz i get a message which reads: Unable to connect to steam api. Any solution?, i tested with 3 computers and the same problem...
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