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Found 2 results

  1. Was seit ihr für ein Jahreszeiten Mensch welche Jahreszeit ist eure liebste ? What kind of season person are you? Which season is your favorite?
  2. Suggestion Name: Allow Poll content to still be viewable after voting, and allow option to change vote within certain time. Suggestion Description: Currently you can see the content of a Poll without voting, once you vote you can not see the content again and you cannot see what you voted after. We should be able to see both content and what we voted for once we have voted. --- Also if people change their mind or vote for the wrong option mistakenly, they should be able to change their vote within a specific time. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: I feel like it would make things easier for people, and for it to be a basic part of the poll/survey system. I don't see why it shouldn't be or isn't a thing.
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