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Found 3 results

  1. Howdy fellow truckers, I'd like to know if you are a member of a Virtual Trucking Company (VTC). If you like, please state your reason(s) in the comments. Thank you! Your feedback is much appricaiated!
  2. Howdy fellow truckers, I've been giving some thought to the "simulation" 2 server, as it hasn't seen much activity since its introduction. How about transforming it into a dedicated role-playing (RP) server? The server could be defined by certain pre-settings, for example collision mode enabled in all areas activated fines activated fatigue syncronized weather etc... As role-playing adds a layer of realism and immersion to the game, it would be beneficial for the part of the TruckersMP community which strives for realistic simulation. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this proposal. Please vote and if you like, share your opinions, ideas, and suggestions below.
  3. Hey guys, I saw a lot of topics with questions about the best truck in your opinion and your current truck, but I've never seen one asking the driven distance of your truck... So, I'm starting: My truck is a new red MAN TGX XLX and it has only 5,899kms currently driven and I'm loving every kilometer I drive with it! What's yours?
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