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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, As we have experiences, some languages cannot be translated without staff from specific countries and those reports of CB/chat abusing/insulting cannot be handled without them. So, my question is: Is it possible for your team to lower the standard of the recruitment (ban history, registration time requirement, activity on forum/discord etc.) while looking for a staff with specific language skill?
  2. Hello, When Viewing the Website I am Given this strange Cyrillic-esque Language and I cannot change it (Chrome Isnt the Problem, every other site is fine) I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem and/or fixed it Thanks. Lewis
  3. Topic Title: Turkish language issue [WEB] ETS2MP ID: 409700 URL: http://truckersmp.com/tr_TR/user/... Server Time/ Date: 13.03.2016 / 17.03 How to reproduce: TR language -> profile -> Punishment History Screenshots / Videos: http://i.hizliresim.com/ZkY0Lg.png
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