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Found 4 results

  1. Suggestion Name: Job dispatcher city names Suggestion Description: when using the job dispatcher to generate a job to or from a city that has a special character in its name (example ü, ù) you are unable to type that city name and have to manually scroll down the list of cities to select the specific city you want (Düsseldorf) if you start to type Du, it will not recognise that city name because of the special characters. my suggestion is to allow you to be able to type the actual city and it will show up even with the special characters. Any example images: https://ibb.co/34SfSNb Why it should be added: make it more quicker and convenient for players to generate jobs from cities that have special characters in the name. Some people also use truck dispatcher, That allows you to actually type in the city name and it will take you straight to that city unlike TMP dispatcher.
  2. Suggestion Name: Weight information in Job Dispatcher Suggestion Description: Weight description next to names of the cargo, For example; Car - 6t Cut flower - 1t or it can be shown in Job Information section of Job Dispatcher as well, where it shows Land distance and ETA Any example images: Shown in order Why it should be added: Choosing the weight we want without going through wiki pages
  3. I believe there's an issue on the job dispatcher when you try to use Karesuando (Sweden) as the Source City. I've tried using different Destination Cities and all gave the same error. Only when I changed to another Source, the dispatcher generated the job. This is probably due to the recent release of the ProMods 2.60 servers. Can you look into it?
  4. i can not to choose any jobs ,because i don't know what they are . my friend tell me to download fonts and i try.but i failed.so anyone can help me?
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