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Found 2 results

  1. Suggestion Name: Annoucement about Hackers on the server for Game Moderators Suggestion Description: I'm coming up with a suggestion that I think could be pushed through this community. I was wondering what else we could add to TMP to make it better place and full of new features that might improve the game experiences. Since there have been quite a few hackers here lately who are just wasting their time to make the game bored for others (mainly Calais-Duisburg road), I thought of adding a feature for game moderators in the form of an announcement! Any example images: How it should look like? If there is a player who is hacking, he will be reported via TAB and once the player send a report it will automatically annouced and be sent to the chat admins in the form of a red message that it is hacking, giving the player's ID, TMPID. (Player: RedWolf [CZ] (1140) was reported for §2.1 - Hacking/Bug/Feature abusing - please check him as soon as possible) Why it should be added: It should be added for the reason that admins can't be everywhere when something is going on. This way, they'll get notified immediately, and be able to teleport to the location and resolve the situation as quickly as possible. It is also for the reason that a player will be reported, but before the report is resolved, he can create problems on the road for an hour or more if none of the admins on the road notice him - > That means it will be fast action and the current player will not have longer access to make create inappropriate behaviour. If we leave it as it is now, players can hack there for up to an hour before anyone notices them, or before the report is resolved.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNk7est5h3U&sns=fb AT 46:24 in the video what appears to be a server hacker come straight thru the crash barrier . Driver : MaD 15971 to days in game code was ( 2542 ) at the time I tried to let you know thru the report page however the MaD 15971 name could not be found ,, & if you continue to watch the video he/she goes back thru the barrier,, I'M Sorry that this is not the usual way to make a report & if it's against your form rule's, SORRY Thanks for taking the time to view .
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