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Found 8 results

  1. Suggestion Name: Permission to share comments in help section instantly without being approved for specific players of the community. Suggestion Description: Make a special role for specific members of the forum, that are active in help section and trying to help others players as soon as possible. This role should work like you firstly need to receive reputation for activity and then you would get a role. Once you received the role you are verified and can help to players immediately. This role also can be deleted if many of comments will not helpful. Any example images: None Why it should be added: I think that should be added because it will decreased a time between players need to wait until someone respond to their topic, because the comments wait about 4-5 hours before approval. It also should help to members of Support Team, because they can't be active 24/7. I will more than happy for your opinions! RedWolf [CZ]
  2. Hello TMP Team! , Hope you all are doing well and thank you for taking my suggest whoever takes it or see's it. Suggestion Name: Reactions should be open on the forums not limited Suggestion Description: Reactions should be open and not limited to a certain number, for the fact if I need to react to a topic or post I may be unable to like so > https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/announcement/46-leaving-proper-feedback/ until my reactions are open again for me to use. I could see maybe why its limited due to spammers spamming it but still* Any example images: Yes : https://imgur.com/a/sVk4vV9 Why should it be added?: Help Us the "Players" React to topics with no problems :
  3. When I find mod recommendations in other topics, many answers mentioned a list of mod which can be used in EST2MP, but when I click in, system said that I don't have promission to see the content, just like the image below shows. Is there anyhing wrong with my account? I can't find instructions about how to unlock promissions or get new promissions What should I do?
  4. CE GUIDE N'EST PLUS ACTUEL. VEUILLEZ VOUS RÉFÉRER À CE GUIDE POUR DES INFORMATIONS ACTUALISÉES Chers camionneurs, Vous avez probablement remarqué que les gestionnaires de la communauté ont récemment ajouté de nouvelles réactions sur le forum. Malheureusement, personne ne nous a proposés d'idées pour les titres de réputations, par conséquent nous y avons réfléchi nous-mêmes. Pour donner une petite explication de ce que cela est réellement, sur les profils des membres, la réputation totale reçue apparaîtra avec une description des niveaux atteints. De nombreux membres de notre communauté ont déjà reçu beaucoup de points de réputation et nous voulons les encourager à avoir sur leur profil quelque chose que les autres n'ont pas. Ce changement ira de pair avec notre guide sur les Rangs du Forum. Notez que ce sujet sera également déplacé vers cette section après quelques jours. Ci-dessous, vous trouverez une liste complète des noms des niveaux de réputation et leur numéro exact: 0 to 24 reputation Truck? (Camion?) 25 to 99 reputation Unlicensed (Sans license) 100 to 249 reputation Sunday Driver (Chauffeur du Dimanche) 250 to 499 reputation Trainee (Stagiaire) 500 to 749 reputation Reserve Driver (Chauffeur de Réserve) 750 to 999 reputation Local Driver (Chaffeur Locale) 1000 to 1499 reputation National Driver (Chaffeur National) 1500 to 2999 reputation International Driver (Chauffeur International) 3000 to 4999 reputation Veteran driver (Chaffeur Vétéran) 5000 to 9999 reputation Driving Instructor (Instructeur de conduite) 10000+ reputation King of the Road! (Roi de la Route!) Nous espérons que vous appréciez ces nouveautés, également vous avez la possibilité de donner des points de réputation à d'autres utilisateurs, par exemple lorsque vous réagissez sur un "status" ou un "topic". Nous souhaitons créer un environnement agréable pour tout le monde, il donc conseillé de ne pas demander de la réputation ou d'essayer d'en obtenir de façon abusive. Si vous avez des questions, des idées ou des réflexions, vous pouvez les commenter ci-dessous. La gestion de la Communauté (Community Management) Correction par @Tristan [FR] Mis à jour le 05/01/2020 par @Nelicopterr
  5. Suggestion Name: Company Forum Sections Suggestion Description: So my idea is that companies can make their own sections on the forums, but instead of them being permanent they are temporary so whoever makes it would be the last one to leave so if i were to invite VTC staff and then when we were done with it they would all need to leave and when everyone is gone i could then leave and then the section would be deleted. Any example images: No sorry. Why should it be added?: As this makes it easier for companies to contact each other and communicate as well as get more involved in the community as it is all on the TruckersMP Forums so if they were to have an event they could post instantly onto their forum section and then it could be shared around the community.
  6. Suggestion Name: Reduce "Locked and Moved" Spam Suggestion Description: Prevent unintentional spam caused by moderators locking/moving topics, and announcing it. See the attached screenshot. Any example images: See attached. Why should it be added?: This should be added because, while I enjoy browsing the forums, the experience is dramatically reduced when viewing the Unread Content (daily browsing) due to the amount of posts that is generated by moderators moving/locking topics. The solution is to just perform the actions without replying to the topic to state that it's been done. This cleans up the Unread Content section. As an added bonus, a announcement can be added to the Trash/Archive subforum that content there has been moved because it met on of the requirements to be moved there.
  7. [b]Suggestion Name[/b]: Sub-Forum for the Forum Support [b]Suggestion Description[/b]: Add a sub section so that people can post their suggestions, bugs, and request help for the onsite forum. Make it so that regular users can't see the Trash section cause that just looks unprofessional. [b]Any example images[/b]: You should know what I mean [b]Why should it be added?[/b]: Because there isn't a section already.
  8. Suggestion Name: Recognition system. Suggestion Description: You can give a (+ve) karma or (-ve) karma for a certain user on a given thread/post. Any example images: none. Why should it be added?: It would show people he is accepted by the community, natural or not accepted.
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