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  1. Dear Mod developers of Truckersmp, With due respect, I want to inform you that I'm a proud member of Truckersmp and I really enjoy your mod. As a member of your great community, I have a small request for you guys. Since you have introduced Scout cars in the game, there is a great possibility that you can bring buses into the game too. I have driven many buses beside trucks offline and have some knowledge about the buses that would be suitable for the multiplayer. Fabio Contier's Marcopolo G7 1200 and Volvo B12B TX would be the most suitable bus in this online game. Both Marcopolo and Volvo bus control is nice and beautiful. Driving from experience, I think Volvo B12B TX and Marcopolo G7 1200 would be a great mod for Truckersmp Marcopolo photo: https://imgur.com/a/xHZZ0ye Volvo B12B TX Photo: https://imgur.com/a/gpleItZ It'll be highly appreciated if you guys add these bus into the Truckersmp Mod. Thanks CrazyHeavyWheelers
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