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  1. Suggestion Name: Collision vs Non-collision handling Suggestion Description: I think that the collision of trucks outside of non-collision zones with trucks inside non-collision zones can be improved to help with the chaos in front of these zones, and the incapability of players to form a queue for entering and exiting such zones. Especially for company areas where trucks drive onto the parking dialog field and stop, with their trailer still reaching out of the zone. Currently non-collision only works for trucks within the zone, as trucks outside of the zone still collide with those that have no collision, which sounds like a paradox in itself. It would be helpful if all truck were unable to collide with trucks in a non-collision area. I am aware of the gameplay setting of always choosing a delivery spot automatically, but it seems that most players do not know of this option and so every time someone drives onto a company area to deliver their trailer they will block all other players from entering until they've picked their spot and accelerated again. This causes an unnecessary line and people start overtaking while others are trying to exit and suddenly you have Calais-like traffic for no good reason. If you'd like an example of such situations you just have to watch a random Idiots on the road, there's always at least one clip of trucks flipping and stuff because they collide with trucks that are inside the non-collision area. Any example images: As you can see on this image, truck A is standing on the delivery/pickup dialog trigger (white square) inside the non-collision zone, and is therefore in non-collision mode. However if truck B tried to drive onto the area, it would be blocked by the trailer of truck A, because truck B is not in non-collision mode yet. Instead truck B should be unable to collide with truck A in this situation. The same is true for exiting. Often a truck leaves the non-collision zone but the trailer is still partially inside the non-collision zone. Many players do not realise the implications and queue up touching (or being inside) the trailer, which usually results in flipping the truck that is currently leaving, even tho the truck that causes the flip is still inside the non-collision area. And too often does truck C think that truck B is stupid or something and tries to overtake which results in even worse situations. Why should it be added?: Take this suggestion as a follow-up improvement of this one: Extending the non-collision zones would not help this situation at all, the problem would still be the same, but just move to somewhere else. Instead I am positive that if collision detection is changed, it would make entering and exiting non-collision areas much less frustrating and less prone to bad drivers.
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