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Found 2 results

  1. UI Pack Name: Dragon Ball UI Font Used: Default Made For MP Version: Alpha and later Download Link: Dragon Ball UI TruckersMP Screenshot(s): Installation method:
  2. "Need a custom made Ingame UI Pack? Look no further!" Hello Community! I recently thought that i'm interested in making UI packs for truckersmp, So i thought to myself why not open a topic and ask you all if you want one? To request a UI pack please follow this:- What colour you need the UI pack to be? Do you wish to have colour coded settings and other icons? Do you want a custom font? If yes then find the one you like and provide a link. (A few websites where i look for fonts are http://www.1001fonts.com/ and http://www.dafont.com/ , You may pick font from any other website but those websites are i use.) Do you want custom login screen background? If yes specify or upload images of the background you would want and i will add them to UI pack. *Please note you may request another UI pack for yourself after 2 weeks of the previous one* **I will (usually) give you the complete UI pack in 2-3days in this topic** ***Please be patient and do not spam the topic with replies when will it be done?*** ****If you want UI pack to be VTC related you have to provide sources to VTC logo and colours you want**** UI i made in past are https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/21002-your-ui-packs/&do=findComment&comment=340285 UI for mariio only: http://imgur.com/a/OyVjQ UI for myself: http://imgur.com/a/UHB51
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