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  1. Hello! I recently reinstalled Bootcamp (due to the fact my mac couldn't work out where it was) and installed ets2 and truckersmp. Keep in mind since this is a recent installation, there is no malware present, only things installed are graphics drivers, steam, truckersmp, and MSI afterburner. My laptop specs is 8GB ram, 1GB VRAM GeForce 650M. I am using an external SSD, Samsung 860 Evo to store ets2. BOOTCAMP is basically running Windows 10 on a Mac, keep in mind I am not saying "MacOS". Now time to get down to the problem. My game (on windows 10) was silky smooth after installation. I had to lower the graphics quality for optimal performance. Windows (10) recently automatically updated. I restarted the computer, started up ets2, and it seems there is a lot of stuttering. Before the update, my resolution was 2880x1800 and low/medium graphics. (Mostly low). After the update, I have to change my resolution to 720p, change all settings to low/disabled. Even now there is still slight stuttering. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?. This is because this is a new installation with 10 or fewer applications. I have also optimized settings in windows from the tutorial on the forums, ie turning superfetch off, prerender 1. I have done all the things in that post. On MacOS, ets2 silky smooth with medium settings, and my native resolution, 2880 x 1800.
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