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  1. Dear truckers, In this guide I want to help especially convoy newbies to find convoys, to prepare for convoys as well as finally to take part in convoys. Maybe some experienced drivers can also learn one or two things, who knows? If you have any criticism, feedback or additions, feel free to comment under this thread or contact me directly via the forum / our Discord server. ========================= Agenda: General Information: - What is a convoy? - Difference between official convoys & community convoys The beginning: - Where can I find convoys? The preparation: - What do I have to do when I find an interesting convoy? During the convoy: - What do I have to consider while participating in a convoy? General Information What is a convoy? In general a convoy is an organized event of many different drivers following a specific route together. The goal of such a convoy is to have fun by driving together, to maybe have a talk and of course to meet new people. For VTCs convoys are also a good opportunity to get known in the TruckersMP community. There are of course convoys, which are smaller (< 50 participants) and some that are bigger (> 50 participants). As soon as a convoy has more than 100 participants, the organizer can request an event-server for this event: https://truckersmp.com/event-request Difference between official convoys & community convoys First of all I want to say that there is not a big difference between those two types of convoys. The official TruckersMP convoys are organized and managed by the TruckersMP Staff and therefore they always take place on an event-server. Additionally official convoys will get announced on our website as well as on our Discord server, our forum and our Twitter profile. Furthermore, Convoy control is always 100% guaranteed and provided by the TMP Event Team. Community convoys are organized and managed by the community. For this reason they mostly happen on one of our Simulation servers, but could also take place on an event-server in the case of having enough participants. Compared to official convoys, a community convoy doesn't guarantee convoy control but some VTCs have their own convoy control or they engage a specific virtual company that specializes itself on doing convoy controls. Those convoys get announced on the respective VTC page, on our Discord server or on the TruckersMP Event System. The Beginning Where can I find a convoy? Thankfully, there are many possible ways to find a convoy if you have time and just want to drive with others! As mentioned above you can always have a look on the following platforms for getting informed about upcoming official convoys: TruckersMP website: https://truckersmp.com/ TruckersMP forum: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/439-official-truckersmp-events/ TruckersMP Discord server (#announcements): https://discord.com/invite/truckersmp TruckersMP Twitter: https://twitter.com/truckersmp Regarding community convoys, you can have a look on these platforms: TruckersMP Discord (#event-advertisement): https://discord.com/invite/truckersmp TruckersMP Event System: https://truckersmp.com/events In most of the cases you can find all the relevant information you need for being able to participate in the convoy: server, date, time, start location, rules, etc. The Preparation What do I have to do when I find an interesting convoy? After you have found a convoy that interests you, you need to use the different information provided in the convoy announcement. That means that you should make sure that you are in the right place at the right time. I personally recommend to do the following things, before driving to the meeting place: • Repair your truck (you can also use /fix in the in-game chat as long as a trailer is attached) • Refill your tank • Make sure to use a trailer you can handle - Mostly singletrailers are used in convoys, as doubles / triples either get prohibited in the convoy rules or people tend to get stuck / cause accidents with them and hinder the whole convoy • Turn off the speed limiters - sometimes it is necessary to speed up in convoys to close gaps caused by accidents / technical issues • Turn off the realistic fuel consumption in your game settings - so you don't get in trouble with you fuel tank during the convoy • [In case you have a weak PC] Set down your graphic settings - Especially in convoys with many participants, your FPS will go down and your computer could reach its limits and this could cause a disconnect you from our server • Personal hint: don't forget to turn on some of your favorite music During the convoy What do I have to consider while participating in a convoy? The most important thing is, that you need to be patient and careful. Mostly there will be announcements in the in-game chat about things like the department order, instructions where to drive and so on, so try to always keep a look on the in-game chat. In case there is no specific department order, you need to leave the meeting place just one by one. That means you need to respect the other drivers and rather wait until other drivers left the place, before you try to get near the convoy lead and probably cause an accident right at the start. As soon as you left the start location, you need to follow the player in front of you and (in case a convoy control is present) watch the in-game chat for further instructions where to drive. I recommend to keep a minimum distance of 50m to the person in front of you as there can always be lags or technical issues, so you have enough time to react! But the distance to the person in front of you shouldn't be longer than ~80m, so the convoy doesn't get big gaps. Now it is time to sit back and enjoy the convoy until you arrive at the planned destination. Alright, by following the advice above you should be ready for your next convoy ! ----- //Last edit: 27.03.2024 - re-added smileys.
  2. hello guys. in my country, in the cross way, only one light will turn green but what i see here (in EU) 2 lines will be green. if i want to turn left.. how ? do i want to wait the other line to finish so i can turn left? sorry for my bad Eng and ty.
  3. INTRODUCERE Parcarea cu spatele reprezintă cea mai importantă și uzuală manevră, pe care fiecare șofer aflat la debutul carierei trebuie să o cunoască în prealabil. Comparată cu realitatea, execuția aceastei manevre este mult mai dificilă și nu dispune de beneficiile pe care jocul le oferă, respectiv unghiurile de observare ale ansamblului de vehicule (un cap-tractor și o semiremorcă). MODUL DE EXECUȚIE Execuția acestei manevre diferă în general de mai mulți factori, cei mai importanți fiind: locul, spațiul și tipul semiremorcii. Totodată, modul de execuție este influențat foarte mult de setările din joc a fiecăruia dintre dumneavoastră și dispozitivul de manevrabilitate folosit. Scenariu prezentat: Manevra de parcare cu spatele, în rampă, a unui ansamblului de vehicule (un cap-tractor și o semiremorcă), folosind al doilea unghi de observare, cu spațiu limitat. Pasul 1: Priviți general asupra locului și spațiului disponibil pentru executarea manevrei; Pasul 2: Vă fixați niște puncte de reper (în cazul meu, semiremorcile parcate și marcajele parcării) și vă poziționați paralel de acestea. Distanța dintre ansamblul de vehicule și punctul sau punctele de reper trebuie să fie una aproximativă cu cea de mai jos; Pasul 3: Începeți foarte ușor manevrarea cu spatele a asamblului de vehicule în linie dreaptă, urmând imediat după să formați un unghi aproximativ optuz între capul tractor și semiremorcă. Este foarte important să executați această manevră în mod lent; Pasul 4: Continuați foarte ușor manevrabilitatea ansamblului de vehicule, deschizând și închizând ușor unchiul format anterior, în funcție de necesitate, până la așezarea în linie dreaptă; Pasul 5: Manevrați ansamblului de vehicule cu spatele, în linie dreaptă, cât este necesar. Punerea în practică a tuturor pașilor explicați: FINAL Pentru a deprinde ușor abilitatea de a executa această manevră, îndiferent de scenariu, este recomandat să învățați foarte bine manevrarea generală a ansamblului de vehicule (mersul cu fața și cu spatele, încadrarea în diverse locuri și spații). Odată ce deprindeți această manevră în modul prezentat, vă va fi foarte ușor să o executați oriunde, mai ales dacă doriți să vă integrați într-o companie virtuală. Depinde foarte mult și de dumneavoastră, cât de familiarizați sunteți cu jocul. Cu deosebită considerație, @FreakyBodyX
  4. hello new players welcome the truckers mp family what should you do when you start a new game These are the things you should or shouldn't do in the game 1-don't hack cheating is a reason for the ban speed hack or like changing the way the game works 2-The level and money cheat gets your gaming pleasure please Try to improve yourself don' use cheat engine 3-please do not disturb other players If you bother you will receive complaint(sorry it was a little harsh this its a rule) 4-always be on video record if you are unfairly banned or if you are going to complain to another player this will be proof 5-Be careful don't crash if you do crash youre banned 6-don't joke other players keep your tracking distance on full roads(duisburg-calais or kirkenes) These are the things you should or shouldn't do in the forum 1-Being solition oriented if there is anything subject you know please say it 2-No talking slang the forum be kind don't break anyone 3-don't humiliate people on a subject they don't know.İf you know tell them they truth 4-create a support ticket if your issue is not resolved 5.If you want to be a moderator in the forum, you will be patient.choices are made in the forum over time not everyone can be a moderator you become a moderator on different topics according to the features you will make There are more rules, but these are the simplest rules you need to do Thanks 09khazix35
  5. In this article I'll help you if you are new here! First, you need to create an account. First of all you should read the rules. They are very important for you. When you drive in-game there are special rules. Here you can find the rules: type here On the web side there are many things that you can find. At the beginning I would just look around the side and see what you can find. After that you must download the mod (if you didn't do it already). Now you start the application "TruckersMP" Sign in (Type in your Email and your password) Select a Server ( EU SIM1 is the server with most players) Now you are in-game Selcet the profile you want to play with That's it now just press "play" at the bottom left tip: If you want do drive a route where many people drive, drive here: This road is called the c-d road. It's the road from Calais - Duisburg Many, many players are driving here. But pay attention! At this road it's very hard to drive, because many people drive here! I hope I could help you out with this article!
  6. Hello, so I decided to make this because I personally notice a lot of accidents where people could just avoid them. I hope these tips help other drivers. Tips: 1. Keep distance (50 meters is good) - keeping distance is one of the most important things you could do to avoid accidents, the truck in front of you might just lag or brake when you won't be expecting. 2. Use hazard lights to warn drivers behind you - Hazard lights should be used to warn drivers behind you when there is an accident, someone in front of you starts braking unexpectedly or if you are entering traffic. 3. Always check mirrors when braking or turning - You need to know if someone is behind you when braking or turning so you don't ram them. 4. Check the map to see if no one is coming before overtaking - You shouldn't overtake if someone is coming in the opposite way you are driving. 5. Use indicators to turn - You don't wanna turn unexpectedly for the truck behind you. That can cause an accident because probably the driver behind won't have much time to react and brake in time.
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