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  1. Suggestion Name: Land grants. I might be a little crazy about this idea, but I think it's good and that nobody proposed something like that before. Description of the suggestion: In the game, I see that there are many places that are accessible but have no use. My proposal or idea would be, to take those lands and create a garage for the company, I explain: Let's say there are companies officially created in ETS2 20 and of those 20, 3 have 50 people (to put a minimum number of people per company). Reward those companies with a minimum of 50 people each. Custom garages with a company sign, example: if the company is called: Trucker Slug, a sign at the entrance of said garage with the name or abbreviation. Any example of images: Why should it be added ?: Offer a meeting point for large companies and with a reasonable price (real money) have accessories to attach to the garage of each company, type: Flags, Spotlights, Logo, Elevation Barrier, Sliding Door, etc. . Hoping that the idea serves to improve the evolution of TruckersMP, I say goodbye with a greeting. PD: I would like all users who see the suggestion, contribute with their grain of sand with your opinion about it. Against more we are better, then apart, it is a collective use that affects all Atte: tntdavila
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