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World Of Trucks


  1. Fahrnünftig Spedition ist auf dem Europe 2 Server unterwegs und wir suchen dich! Fahr mit uns durch Europa und habe Spaß, wie noch nie zuvor! Die Höchstgeschwindigket von 90 km/h wird bei uns eingehalten, da wir uns an die Staßenregeln in Europa halten. Außerdem nutzen wir die Verwaltungsoftware Trucking-VS https://www.trucking-vs.de Das bieten wir Dir: - Verwaltungsoftware - kompetente Mitglieder - regelmäßige Convois Das erwarten wir von dir: - kompetentes Verhalten - Spaß am Spiel - Nutzung der Verwaltungssoftware - Führen eines Fahrtenbuches - Einhaltung der Höchstgeschwindigkeit (90km/h) - Speditionsname (Fahrnünftig) im Playertag Bei Interesse oder Fragen: E-Mail: [email protected] oder Instagram: fahrnuenftig_spedition Mit freundlichen Grüßen Fahrnünftig Spedition/KaniKolumbus
  2. schuby

    Wir suchen euch

    Wir von der Firma M&H Transporte suche noch dringend Fahrer ! Hast du Interesse? Dann schreibe uns ! Besuche uns auf Discord : https://discord.gg/tDhsxQp Wenn Ihr Interesse habt dann schreibt uns hier oder schickt uns eine kurze Bewerbung bei SpedV, einfach die Firma M&H Transporte suchen. Produkte -Eigener LKW -Firmen Lackierung -Discord Channel -Sped V Abrechnungssytem -Guter Einstiegs Lohn -Aufstiegs Möglichkeiten -Lustige und hilfsbereite Truppe -Convoys im Single und Multiplayer https://www.facebook.com/MundHTransporte/
  3. Hi there This is my first forum post. I have a question for the devs: Why do you also use skoda cars on ATS? This brand is typical for Europe and not for the US, why don't let us buy a SUV or a Mustang or one of those Tesla's? That would be way cooler than the boring European skoda's. And if this isn't possible, please explain why? You make mods so you don't need licenses, but what stopped you from doing that ^^. Skoda was planning to launch in the US in late 2016, but hasn't done so, so it is weird that you can drive these cars, while they aren't sold in the US in Real life. Thanks for you time and attention American trucker 2
  4. I have both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator installed via Steam and have installed TruckersMP. When I launch the game it let's me login to my TruckersMP account, lets me choose a server and says 'logged in successfully' but I don't seem to be in an online world when I play. A friend arranged to meet up with me at Dover yesterday and we were both outside the eAcres depot but no sign of each other. He told me to check the Online page under Settings and this is what I have (screenshot attached). Can anyone suggest anything on how to resolve my issues? Thank you
  5. Hi there, I'm still new to the game, new to the multiplayer mod and kinda new to any modding in general for that matter. I've had read through this forum and other searches but still don't quite understand. The main question I have on my mind is: What exactly is an in game company for multiplayer and what purpose do they serve? From the information I've gathered it sounds like it's a form of serious roleplay that adds a lot more work through the use of third party sites and mods. Also some seem to add some form of benefit like I noticed unique skins being a common thing, are all benefits purely cosmetic? I've never really been much of a roleplayer and interaction is definitely not my forte but I'm curious about this sort of thing after seeing a groups convoy in game which actually looked kinda impressive and fun. Am I also correct in guessing that the wording above a players truck goes something along the lines of: Country Flag, Company or Group name, Their Username and then Their unique numerical ID to the server? Cheers for your time.
  6. Cześć. Od niedawna mam problemy z Fpsami. Na początku miałem mniej wiecej stałe 40 fps, a aktualnie spadają mi czasem do 5 lub 20. Komputer nie potrafi utrzymać stałych fpsów tylko skaczą od 5 do 45 maksymalnie. Mam 2 rdzeniowy procesor Amd Athlon 6400+ DualCore oraz grafike Radeona 7700 HD 2gB oraz 4 Gb ramu. Nie wiem czym jest to spowodowane ,ale próbowałem formatu i nic nie pomógł a sterowniki mam najnowsze "Gaming Evolved"
  7. is there some way of getting the same deliveries as a friend going to the same place becouse trying to play with a friend and not getting the same deliveries is kind of a joke. more fun driving together. Thanks if anyone can help.
  8. Hello so ive been playing multiplayer for some time now and suddenly when i load the game i just see the desktop and hear the sound ive tried changing resolution uninstalling then reinstalling if anyone could help i would be extremely grateful many thanks in advance
  9. Hi, when i go onto ets2 multiplayer and pick quick job, as soon as i start it, i'm already late, without even moving.... as soon as i finish the job, it says i'm late and i don't get any money but if i pick another job, its normal, the next day when i play ets2 multiplayer again and select quick job, as soon as i pick a quick job and spawn into multiplayer again, it says i'm late, it only happens with the 1st job, is there a solution or a way around this? thanks
  10. Wersja modyfikacji: 1.27 Używany kontroler: Używam klawiatury + myszka Informacje o błędzie: Za każdym razem jak ruszam tirem to wywala mnie do pulpitu. Dodatkowo dzieje sie to samo na zwykłym ETS2 (single player) Jak odtworzyć błąd?: Kliknąć w Jazda i nacisnąć W (na klawiaturze). Odrazu wywala do pulpitu. Screenshoty/filmik:
  12. Just a question before i buy this DLC, but is the flip paint compatible with MP? release date: may 29th 2014 KG and happy truckin,
  13. błąd wygląda tak że gdy wjeżdżam do portu i chcę się przetransportować promem to po wybraniu np. Felixstone zacina mi się gra podczas ładowania, tak samo jest gdy chcę się transportować do Mechanika (gdy wzywam pomoc drogową [F7]) to samo, również mi zacina grę. Próbowałem reinstall ETS'a itp. zawsze teraz mi się tak dzieje po formacie komputera (tydzień temu robiłem format) przed formatem komputera wszystko było dobrze. (podczas ładowania mam cały czarny ekran tak jak zwykle to się dzieje) oczekiwałem 5 minut żeby się odcięło ale nic się nie robiło. Prosiłbym o pomoc
  14. I cant hear people talk in CB! When i press V i can talk to them. In the left top corner of my screen i see the Sound icon and a Name next to it but i can only not hear them. I did already reinstalled TruckersMP Mod but it still didnt work. Does someone has the same problem? And has someone an solution? 2/4/2017 15:48, Solved
  15. Hey, my game freezes for 1 sec very often while driving then goes back to normal, this happens in singleplayer and multiplayer but is a problem in multiplayer since people driving behind me can crash in me while i am froze. If i can get this problem fixed the game would be much more fun to play. Hope you can help
  16. Hello, always I play multiplayer on this PC it always crash while im driving, i already tried to uninstall mods, reinstall everything, check cache, and most of that things. It only happens on multiplayer, when I play euro truck simulator 2 without TruckersMP launch it works fine. If some admin or someone who knows what to do can help me I would be so happy. Edit: when it crash it says: Fatal Error! My log crash says this:
  17. Skow

    Mody multiplayer

    Witam, jak i gdzie wgrać mody pobrane z oficjalnej strony " http://mods.wotmp.com/ "? Wrzucam do dokumentów do folderu " mod " znajdującego się w fodlerze ETS'a i nie wyszukuje mi jak włączam TRUCKERSmp . Pozdrawiam i czekam na odpowiedź :< ps. na single player normalnie wyszukuje.
  18. Hi guys, I have a question : why always when I finish to deliver I receive delay penalization (-7000h , ALWAYS ! And i don't have quick jobs ...why ? ) . Thank's for help !
  19. Hi... For a few days I've been trying to install the Multiplayer Mod, but it is not working. I've tried everything I could think of (re-installing the mod, re-installing the game, re-downloading the game, rebooting, making sure the Truckers MP Launcher is installed in the ETS2 Steamapps Folder). Everytime I try to launch TruckersMP, I get either no SCS Software nor ETS2 logo, or a glitchy version of both (the SCS logo with a white background and everything buggy, and the ETS2 logo with a big white rectangle in the lower-left side), and I'm thrown into the Singleplayer Profile menu (most of the times, the mouse doesn't even respond). Thank you very much!
  20. Ребят, очень нужна помощь, уже замучала эта ху*йня. В общем, проблема такая: игроки, что едут возле меня, резко останавливаются, крутятся только колёса, видео присутствует когда я отъезжаю дальше, то карта пустая, никаких других игроков нет. И раньше я не волновался по этому поводу и ехал себе спокойно свой рейс, потом перезаходил, пока меня не забанили за рамминг (видео 2 https://youtu.be/iZD95-a6Wck?t=10s , я в правом зеркале сбил двух игроков, понятно, что их я не видел, карта была пуста. так я понял, что во время этого бага, все остальные игроки видят меня.) я удалил игру, все профили и подобные данные удалил, и перезаписал игру без модов и прочего, ситуация постоянно повторяется, помогите, кто знает, как с этим справиться, никто ещё не смог помочь, я перепробовал разные варианты советов, и перезаписал игру, и в антивируснике (авира) поставил игру и процесс мультиплеера в исключения. И ещё, при этом светофоры перестают работать, т.е. застывают с тем цветом, который в этот момент горел во время бага, и в таб я вижу такие дистанции (в стандарте больше 900, игрок уходит из доски), они могут быть и больше 30000м, на мой пинг тоже обратите внимание, он в норме. А баг вступает в действие как-то плавно, т.е. сначала я вижу дистанцию за 1000м у одной машины, потом 3-4 и затем все остальные, если остановиться, то ни одна цифра не начнет убавляться, т.к. для меня сервер уже остановился. Заранее спасибо всем тем, кто сможет или хотя бы попытается помочь в силу своих знаний. винда 7, 64 бита, двухядерный амд атлон II 245 по 2.9 Мгц, видеокарта 2гб радеон HD6670, оператива 6 гб.
  21. Arkadaşlar merhaba bende bu sorun var; Ben oyuna giriyorum ve ''Install Available Updates'' Yazıyor Basıyorum Ama Birşey Olmuyor. 10 Kere 20 Kere Denedim Olmadı Yardımcı Olursanız Teşekkürler... YORUMLAR KISMINDA İNGİLİZCEYE ÇEVİRİRSENİZ BU YAZDIKLARIMI SEVİNİRİM İngilizcem Kötü İYİ FORUMLAR! Topic is inactive. Locked & Moved to Archieve
  22. Hi everybody, I've installed Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer in my computer. When I try to play to ETS2 MP, I've this: Cannot create multiplayer directory. After, the game opens, and closes 5 seconds after.. . Please, can you help me!? I love playing ETS2 MP but now I can't.. . Ayman.
  23. So i am on the first mission but when i arrive at the delivery location it doesnt show a location to drop the trailer or anything, i tried making a new profile but still the same issue.. Any fixes?
  24. So, I click to launch and appear ''Can not inject core ( Inicialization of client failed )'' I've tried to reinstall but it doens't work. I'm using 1.26.3 ( version of ets ) Pls, someone help me PS.: sorry my english, i'm brazilian
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