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Found 4 results

  1. Olá gente, atualmente percebi que o caminhão não passa de 110km/h, apesar de ser a primeira vez postando algo aqui, já li muitas discussões em fóruns sobre certo e errado em uma simulação e que ETS2 se trata de algo educativo e tal, mas aqui vai as questões: Se na vida real o limitador de velocidade pode ser removido, pq não no ETS2? Baseado na pergunta acima, sabemos que na vida real existem os que respeitam e os que não respeitam limites, então mesmo que eu respeite os limites, como estarei simulando algo real se não existem pessoas imprudentes para correr o risco e assumir estar colocando outros em risco? Acredito que existe sim o livre arbítrio, mas também acredito na punição severa para quem assume o risco de prejudicar outros, baseado nisso creio que a melhor solução seria a punição, tipo, dificultar empréstimos, e a pessoa errada arcar com ônus de um acidente mesmo que fique negativado no banco, por exemplo, o cara perde o controle e invade a contramão causando acidente, sabemos que o próprio ETS2 no modo offline consegue julgar o certo e errado e multar quem provoca o acidente, acredito que a educação no trânsito é algo espontâneo e não forçado, como vamos saber quem é ou não um bom motorista se todos são forçados simular em um limite de velocidade pré-estabelecido?
  2. Kewoo.

    150 Speed Limit

    Dear TruckersMP: Konuyu yanlış yere açmış olabilirim. Kusura bakmayın. Şunları söylemek istiyorum ki 150 sınırı geldi. İyi birşey oldu ama oyun içi hiçbir sey değişmedi yada 150 sınırı sadece duisburg - calais arasında olsa? Örneğin şehirlere girince 80 "a düşüyorsa d-c ye girincede 150'ye düşsün. Bu konu hem ben hem çoğunluk tarafından isteniyor. Biliyorum reddedilecek ama düşünülmesini istiyorum. -Sevgiler KeWoo
  3. Suggestion name: Speed limit for cars only Suggestion description: Remove or increase speed limit for Skodas. Why this?: The 150kph speed limit is ok for trucks, but the skoda really would be capable of doing a bit more. It's a low limit for freeway cruising, as in many states speed limits are of 150kph and you have no speed left for an eventual overtake. Also, this would allow cars to have a more realistic behavior in the game, by being able to overtake trucks that are doing 150 (which is a lot for a truck). Also in Germany there is no speed limit for cars on some freeways, I don't see why it shouldn't be implemented here too. Obviously in the cities the current speed limit would be kept so that idiots will not be permitted to fly at 200kph in the city centre.
  4. The true title was meant to be 'Why SCS and TruckersMP should have been banned from making games'. Let's get straight into it. Server issues no one actually care about. The difference between position shown on player's screen vs server's reality is many times TOO BIG (even tho both players have decent connection) Kicking or how to bully your own community. This is the reason why everyone in team of TMP should be fired. Who came up with the idea to force players to turn on their lights in strict hours although the sun's up. It look silly! Imagine that you play with wireless keyboard and mouse, you log in, realize that your keyboard ran out of juice the second you hit the road and boom, kicked! This is just stupid bullying over rules you * made up! Get your minds straight. I understand it's really important for players not to drive as ghosts but this is stupid. Limits or everyone likes cars but SCS and TMP don't care about it. Let me show you the bitter truth! You had EU1 with realism. You made EU2 with cars and unlimited speed. You realized people like it more then your * 'realism' You added speed limit to EU2 because you *can't stand that people like something else then trucking 90km/h You give us arguments that there are less accidents, of course because all the normal players QUIT WHY haven't you made EUx server just to see if people would rather drive with speed limits? BECAUSE YOU KNEW THE ANSWER If you are so sure about the accidents rate, show us charts! Come on, do it. Show me the accident rate BEFORE and AFTER speed limitation. You have none? Oh my bad, wait NO. You made your heads on something based on your subjective feelings and force it upon your community as facts and reasons you make your decisions. That's what I call hypocrisy! If your report system worked, you would have all the data I'm asking you to show, but it doesn't work so you are left behind with 2 things: Unlimited power over your own product Wrath and anger over people who enjoy driving cars (200km/h on highways, overtaking, and all the other entertaining thigs) I usually drive on CD road 200kmh with overtaking and no accidents. I can even add a video for you to prove it. It's not about speed, it's about community. Your childish attitude mirrors in your players. You force your community to play by your rules just like a little kid that wants all his little friends to play with trucks, even tho they want to play with cars. You are a shame. SCS I'd explain myself very briefly. I added a whole A4 page to their forum about what should be changed, what should be added. I'm not going to post the link here unless someone asks for it, but the answer to my ideas and suggestions (which would have been a real enrichment for both community and wallet of SCS) was unexpected and came from one of their testers: 'The game is fine as it is, I don't think anything should be added' Tell me what kind of company doesn't give a * about it's customers and only thing in it's eyes is profit and milking the same old game over and over again by creating paid DLC maps which aren't that hard to make. I doubt they pay more then 7k for one DLC to make and milk their fans in one of the worst ways. I am very angry with you, you ruined my all time favorite game just because YOU want to play it by your own way. Shame on you
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